Chapter 4

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"Can you make this a quick chat? I'm kind of busy getting my flirt on." The lack of flirtation skills i do have that is. Since having Lux I haven't really focused on my love life all that much.

"How do you know him anyways?" Harry pestered me, crossing his arms and narrowing his eyes at me.

"I met him earlier this morning, just outside the tour bus." I smiled over at Ryan, he raised his hand and I returned his wave with a wave of my own hand.

"Stop that. You look love-struck." Harry laughed as he pushed my hand down.

"So what? He's cute! Anyways what the hell did you need me for anyways?"

"Oh, uh.." Harry mumbled a few words under his breath, I couldn't quite understand him.

"What? Harry, you seriously are wasting my time now." I said rather annoyed now.

Harry looked from me over to Ryan, he was making his way over to us.

"I'm sorry but I have to go now, my little sister is expecting me to get her to the front row before the show starts." Ryan holds out his hand with a white piece of paper folded up into a small swan-like shape. "Call me after the show, okay?"

I hold the paper delicately in my hand as I stare up at him.

"I can get you some backstage tickets man. How old is your sister?" Harry pipes in. I nod my head at Ryan eagerly, his smile is the only thing I can see right now.

"She's 9, she's a big fan of the band playing tonight. Did you say backstage passes?" Ryan finally beaks eye contact with me and Harry casually snorts through his nose.

"Stop messing with him." I plead to Harry, sticking out my bottom lip.

"Fine." He sighs. "Harry Styles, 1/5 member of One Direction." Harry has his head held high as is nose flares.

"My sister loves you guys!" Ryan shouts and then turns to me. "I thought you said you weren't with the band?"

"She's not!" Harry defends me, a little too quickly.

"I'm not." I mutter. "I just.. Have a friend, who has a friend, who has a friend that's friends with Harry."

Ryan looks at me with an extremely confused grin. "Oh-kay" he laughs. "You wouldn't want to join my sister and I would you?" Ryan asks just before he's about to walk away.

"Ye-" I was seconds away from agreeing but Harry over powers my small voice with his own.

"She can't. Sorry. Her friends waiting for her." Harry tells Ryan, who is sporting a small angelic frown.

"That's too bad." Ryan murmured.

"Here, your backstage tickets." Harry pulls two long thick cardboard like piece of papers from his back pocket.

"Thanks man, my sister is going to freak out. See you later Hazel!" Said happily waving as he walked away.




"I don't like him. Who wears shorts in the middle of winter time? Does he not see the white fluffy stuff everywhere?" Harry was now 5 minutes into his rant about Ryan while I played with the swan origami pinched paper.

"You don't like anyone taking to Hazel." Liam cut in, sending Harry a glare, I laughed and rested my head back against the back of the couch.

"Yeah well, I mean, I can't help it that I'm protective of people I care about and he gives me a bad vibe." Lou grabbed Harry by his chin and made him stop shaking his head as he talked, Harry was sitting in a chair getting his hair done. Liam was next to me on the loveseat couch as he waited for his turn.

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