Chapter 14

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I hope I don't confuse you too much, or leave out any details. Feel free to comment anything I miss. :)


"Niall.. The pancakes were delicious." I say with such a dull tone everyone's heads look up from their plates to me. "Lux and I need to get going though." My daughters eyes widen before she turns her head towards Harry, who slowly turns his head towards her. The two share an unspoken bond as they communicate just by their eyes.

"What?! After everything that has happened, that's it? You're leaving?" Niall drops his fork onto his plate with a loud clash. My head whips in the opposite direction of the table I had been staring at to see the Niall is clearly pissed.

"Well I.." Honestly, I have no idea what to say. I need clothes, more money and my sanity back.

5 loud knocks echo throughout the flat, bouncing off the walls and filling our ears. Lux jumps suddenly at the alarming noise, her bottom lips tucks in and she chomps down on it.

"Niall! Damnt! Open the door! Let us in!" Louis's voice follows the echoes of the knocks and again more knocking on the door. They come at a fast pace and Emily stands to her feet. He sounds pretty angry and worried.

"I'll get it." She announces before sauntering off down the hallway.

"You're not leaving." Niall says sternly directed at me. For a moment I had hoped he was talking to Emily but she was long gone now. "We all have so much to talk about. You, Emily and Harry. The guys want to know what happened and I felt it wasn't my place to tell so I-"

"You called them here?!" Harry's harsh voice scared me, it was sudden and louder than Nialls, much louder. "We just got back from the hospital Niall! Where is your head at lately?" I fight the urge of my jaw wanting to drop, where was Nialls head at lately? He's one of the most sane, annoying, always right kind of people that I happen to hate when I know I shouldn't.

That probably doesn't make any sense, Niall is a straight forward guy, sometimes a little too straight forward. It got to the point one time where we didn't talk for the entire weekend and it turned out that once i got my sanity back, Niall had been right all along.

"Luxy!" Louis tramples into the kitchen, like a fricken gorilla, his arms held out and knees bent at an awkard angle. Lux smiles at him, before breaking out into a of laughter.

"Uncle LouLou!" She giggles momentarily "I saved you some of my banana slices!" She grins as Louis leans down and pecks the top of her head.

"The youngsters are always the kindest." Louis concludes before looking down the table at the rest of us.

"Bloody hell Hazel! Your arm-" only Louis didn't get to finish.

"What?! What happens to Hazel?!" Zayn panics, his hair flopping over to one side. Revealing one eye opened at such a wide angle I don't think it's humanely possible.

"Somebody, and I don't care who, Better explain what the hell happened last night!" Then there was Liam, right to the point. Forget that I'm slightly damaged or that Harry looks like death socked him in the face.

"Hazel.." Zayn calls my name, with heavy eyes do I dare look up at him. His leather jacket half heartedly thrown on and his shirt tucked in some spots. "Harry.."

That single name call for him throws Harry's temper over the edge, he places his hands down on the table to lift his body up from the kitchen seat he was sat in. We all watch as he kicks back his chair sending it flying behind him and he stomps his way out of the kitchen.

"Hazel.. What the hell is going on?!" Liam's temper has now left the building as well, it doesn't really surprise me though, he's always been this way.

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