Chapter 3

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Bill held onto Jennifer's hand as they stood above the water. They all popped loogies into the water. Jenny rolled her eyes as Richie and Eddie argued over what makes a perfect loogie.
"Alright." Bill said ending their arguing. "Who's first?"

They all stared down at the water. "I'll go." Jennifer said. All the other boys shrugged and muttered an "Okay."
"No." Bill said holding Jennifer's shoulders. "You-You're not jumping off without me." Jennifer rolled her eyes. She hated how Bill had to control almost everything she did.

"I'll go!" Said a voice behind them. It was Beverly. Jennifer smiled a little. "Sissies." She said running up to them. "I'm not a sissy." Jennifer stated. "I told them I would go."
Beverly giggled and took Jennifer's hand before jumping off. "Then c'mon!"

Jennifer squealed and giggled on her way down to the water. Bill was scared to death. Even though Jennifer couldn't swim very well, she still jumped. But Bill was relieved when he saw Beverly holding her after they came up from under. "C'mon Billy!" Jennifer giggled waving at him.

Soon, the boys all jumped down and they played in the water all afternoon. The boys took turns giving Jennifer piggyback rides and throwing her to each other. She was basically their human ball. But Bill made them stop when Richie threw Jennifer to Eddie and she went all the way under.

After awhile, they all took a break and sat up on the cliff. Jennifer cuddled up against Bill. She was cold from being out of the water and the sun wasn't helping much. Bill got her towel out of his backpack and wrapped it around her. Jennifer didn't want to move from her spot, so she stayed put. She knew Bill wasn't going to make her sit on the ground. She had it made and she knew it.

The boys watched Beverly as she laid in the sun. Jennifer looked at all of them. They were all staring at Beverly. She was curious as to why they would just stare at her like that. "Why are you guys just staring at her?" Jennifer asked curiously. They all quickly turned their heads as Beverly sat up, giggling.

"News flash, Ben." Richie said digging into Ben's backpack. "School's out for summer!" He pulled out a blue folder. He also pulled out a post card. "Who the hell sent you this?" Richie asked smiling, finding it amusing. Ben yanked it out of his hand and they all started looking at all the newspaper articles about Derry. "Derry isn't like any other town I've been in before." Ben said. "I got more at home." Before they knew it, they were off to Ben's.

"Whoa." Jennifer exclaimed looking at all the newspaper articles up on the wall. Beverly pushed by her and closed the door just enough to see The New Kids on the Block poster. Jennifer smiled and covered her mouth from laughing. Beverly looked back at Ben, who sent her a pleading look. Jennifer giggled quietly as Beverly opened the door back up again.

Jennifer watched as her older brother and his friends look at all the newspapers articles about the dead children. Her heart sank as she started to remember the day of Georgie's death.


"Georgie!" Jennifer called. "Wait up!" "Catch me, Jenny!" Georgie giggled. Jennifer giggled too. "I'm gonna get you!"

Georgie was too fast for Jennifer. When she finally caught up to him, Georgie was looking into the sewer drain.

"Oh no!" Jennifer exclaimed. "It's okay, Georgie! Billy will make another! He won't be mad!"

Georgie screamed in terror as his arm was chomped off by something in the sewer.

End of flashback:

"Jenny." Jennifer turned her head towards her window. She saw nothing but darkness.

She slowly made her way to the window.
"Hello?" She called out. "Who's out here?"
Just then there was rustling in the bushes below.

Jennifer ran back to her bed and grabbed her stuffed rabbit.
"Billy." She whispered, knowing it probably wasn't Bill.

She crept over to the window slowly. She knew the creature outside, probably isn't gone. She wanted to be brave and see what it was though.

Jennifer looked outside her window once more. There wasn't anything. She was about to go back to bed when she saw a little rabbit on the roof, right outside her window.

Jennifer sighed in relief. "Hi bunny." She said sweetly.
The rabbit twitched it's little nose and scratched behind it's ears. Jennifer smiled. It was a cute little rabbit. Jennifer reached out to touch the rabbit, but as soon as she did, the rabbits eye's turned yellow and took a snap at her hand. Jennifer screamed as she saw the big teeth. She screamed all the way to Bill's room.

Bill was asleep in bed when he was awoken by Jennifer's screams. Jennifer ran into his arms when she saw he was awake.
"Shhhhh! Jenny! Y-y-you're gonna w-wake mom and d-dad. W-w-w-what's wrong?"
"There was a bunny outside my window and I went to pet it and it almost bit me!" Jennifer cried. "I tried to pet it and it had big teeth, Billy! Big teeth!"
"A-are you s-s-sure you didn't just d-dream this?" Bill asked.
"Billy, I'm sure! I'm really sure!"

Just then Bill's walkie talkie started getting feedback.
Jennifer stopped crying and turned to it.
"This isn't a dream, is it?" She asked. "S-stay here, J-Jenny." Bill told his little sister before going downstairs to see where the noise was coming from.

Jennifer tried her best to stay awake until Bill came back. Finally, he did. He ran up the stairs, into his ran into his room and closed the door.
"What did you see, Billy?" Jennifer asked.
"I-I-I-I saw G-Georgie." Bill said almost out of breath.
"You did?" Jennifer asked surprised. "But it w-w-wasn't Georgie." Bill said. "It was s-s-something else."
"Like what?" Jennifer asked.
"I'll tell you in the m-m-morning. C'mon. Y-y-you can sleep in h-here with me t-t-tonight."

Jennifer snuggled into Bill as she hugged her stuffed rabbit close to her. Bill wrapped his arms around Jennifer. Whatever that was down there, he wouldn't dare hurt Jennifer like he did Georgie.

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