Chapter 4

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"Billy!" Jennifer yelled as she held on to him as they road down the sidewalk. "Where're we goin?"
"Beverly's!" Bill yelled back, peddling as fast as he could.

The boys finally arrived at Beverly's apartment. She bolted down the stairs as the boys set their bikes down.
"You made it!" Beverly exclaimed. "I need to show you guys something." "More than what we saw at the quarry?" Richie smirked.
"Shut up, Richie." Stanley scowled.
"My dad'll kill me if he finds out I had boys in the apartment." Beverly said playing with her fingers.
"W-w-w-we'll leave a look out." Bill said taking Jennifer's hand and looking at Richie.
"What do I do when her dad comes back?" Richie asked as everyone else made their way up the stairs.
"Do what you always do." Stanley said. "Start talking."
"It's a gift." Richie said sadly as they went into the apartment.

"In there." Beverly said pointing at the bathroom.
"What's in there?" Stanley asked.
"You'll see." Beverly replied in a monotoned voice.
"Great, bringing us to the bathroom." Eddie shivered. "You know that 89% of the worse accidents occur in the bathroom and kitchen. And that's where all the bacteria and fungi are and it is not a hygienic place."
Jennifer grabbed Eddie's hand to help him relax and to make herself feel protected.

Bill slowly opened the door to reveal the red painted room.
"I knew it!" Eddie gasped.
"Do you see it?" Beverly asked.
Jennifer held onto Eddie's hand a bit tighter. Bill looked down at her for a second and saw the fear in her eyes. He pulled her into his side and Jennifer clinged on to him for dear life.
"Yes." Bill whispered. "What happened in here?"
"My dad couldn't see it, I thought that I might be crazy." Beverly said.
"Well if you're crazy, the we're all crazy." Jennifer said slowly easing her grip on Bill.
"We c-c-c-can't leave it like this." Bill said.

For the next hour and a half, the whole gang, minus Richie, cleaned up the entire bathroom.

"Where did all this blood come from?" Jennifer asked, being the curious little girl she was.
"Uhhh. I really don't know how to explain it." Beverly told her. "It came from the sink, believe it or not."
Jennifer nodded and continued to wipe out the tub. "Believe it or not, a rabbit tried to eat my hand last night." Beverly turned to Jennifer with a slightly terrified face. The fact that Jennifer said that like it was nothing scared her more than anything else, but when Jennifer looked back at her and asked "What's wrong?", Beverly knew it was just a little kid thing that all kids do when telling a bizarre story.
"Nothing, Jenny." Beverly replied shaking her head.

"You n-never went to the Summer Fair?" Bill asked Beverly as they cleaned the window.
"No." She said. "I think not...that I know."
"We go every year!" Jennifer chimed in.
"Y-yeah!" Bill smiled. "Once I went with Richie and I won b-because I hit the target. But there were so many prizes I d-didn't know which one to choose."
"Me and Georgie chose for him." Jennifer smiled.
"I got a unicorn." Bill said with a half smile.
Jennifer giggled. "It was funny. He walked around with it and girls laughed at him."
Bill turned around and poked Jennifer's side, making her giggle even more.

Beverly smiled. She knew Bill was close with both of his siblings, but now that Georgie was gone, he became closer with Jennifer. She knew he would always have Jennifer's back. Beverly liked that they had such a strong bond. A bond so strong that it could overcome anything.

"Go help B-Ben with the f-floor." Bill smiled lightly pushing Jennifer forward.

Beverly slowly walked up to Bill and stared out the window again.
Beverly took a deep breath. "It's not true, you know."
Bill looked at Beverly.
"What they say about me. I was only ever kissed by one guy. It was a long time ago. But it was a nice kiss though."
Bill felt his ears get hot. He always liked Beverly.
"January embers."
Bill was a bit taken aback. The hell is she talking about?
"W-w-w-w-was that in the play?" He asked.
"No, the poem." Beverly replied.
"Oh, I really don't read much p-p-poetry." Bill said a bit embarrassed.
"Oh I just." Beverly was embarrassed too. "Never mind."
"Oh, just so you know, I never believed any of the r-rumors. None of us losers do. We like han-hanging with you." Bill smiled. "Jenny likes hanging with you too. I know she'd r-rather hang with you then us b-boys."
Beverly half smiled. "Thanks."
"You shouldn't thank us too much." Bill said. "Hanging out with us ma-makes you a loser too."
"I can take that."

"No, I love being your personal doorman. Really could you idiots have taken any longer?" Richie snarled.
"Shut up, Richie." Stanley rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, shut up Richie." Jennifer copied.
"Oh okay, trash the trash-mouth, I get it. Hey I wasn't the one scrubbing the bathroom floor imagining that her sink went all Eddie's mom's vagina on halloween." Richie retorted.

"Hey!" Bill yelled covering up Jennifer's ears. "D-do you have no c-c-consideration?"
Richie shrugged.
"And she didn't imagine it." Bill sighed. "I also saw something too." "You saw blood too?" Stanley asked.
"Not blood, I saw G-G-Georgie."
"Jenny, didn't you tell me a rabbit tried to bite your hand last night?" Beverly asked Jennifer.
Jennifer nodded. "It had big teeth and everything. It drooled and had big yellow eyes."
"It seemed so real, I mean it seemed like him, b-but there was this..."
"A clown." Eddie finished. "Yeah, I saw him too."
"Wait." Richie said. "Can only virgins see this stuff? Is that why I'm not. Seeing this shit?"
"Virgin?" Jennifer asked.
Bill turned to look at Richie. His blue eyes were ice cold.
"The V-Virgin M-M-Mary." Bill said. "Richie th-thinks he can't see this stuff is because he's... He's uh..."
"The son of Jesus." Eddie blurted out. "Richie isn't even close to that." Jennifer said, already defeating their plan to keep her innocence from being ruined. "What's a virgin?" She asked.
"Someone who doesn't eat meat." Ben said, actually sounding like he knew what he was talking about, to fool the six year old.
Richie snorted. "He's right!"
Stanley punched Richie in the arm, which made him fall on the ground, where he continued to laugh.

"Oh shit, that's Belch Huggins car." Eddie said looking up from Richie. Bill quickly stood up. "We we should probably get outta here." He said before picking up Jennifer and starting to run away.
"Wait!" Jennifer yelled, kicking her legs to be put down. "Isn't that the homeschool kid's bike?"

To he continued because I'm a bitch........

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