I woke up feeling warm and fuzzy inside. I hopped out of bed but managed to get tangled in my blanket and fall on my face. I look up to see my dear cousin holding back the many of the insults running through her head. Knowing her she has an insult for every situation. "Haha! JON RAINY IS AWAKE." Sterling teases "There's no way I slept the entire night." I said in disbelief "Welp, you did it little cousin. Congratulations you slept through the night like a normal human being. Jon made you pancakes and managed to find an extra bag of blood. You know what they say a healthy vampire is a happy vampire." She smile and helped me up. "Thanks Sterling." I giggled Sterling always knows how to put everyone in a good mood, there isn't one creature she hasn't met that didn't smile or giggle when she talked. Even when she was human she was a charmer. "Race you down stares." I smiled devilishly "Challenge accepted." Sterlings words were dripping with determination Suddenly in super human speed we jumped up and ran down the hall. when we got to the top of the stares I decided to trip my cousin in hopes of winning and dashed down as she went tumbling. "YOU FUCKING BITCH." Sterling screamed "And this is one reason why we live alone in a forest." Jon smiled and shook his head "Well she started it. Sterling laughed at me when I fell out of bed. So I got her back." I said childishly "It's so on girlfriend." Sterling seethes "Mhm, okay." I smirked I ate my breakfast and got dressed. When I looked in the mirror I felt like the red haired wasn't exactly my thing anymore. I might just go natural again, my white hair doesn't look bad at all. Looks like I have my night planned.
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