Suis-je ennuyeuse?

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Every time I'm hanging with a group of friends and they're all on their phones using social media *cough* Snapchat *cough*, I have to wonder: When did everyone else's life become so much more important than your own? I'm sitting there across from you trying to hold a conversation and all I get is a half-assed reply as you laugh about someone else's drama. I'm very much a socially awkward person, so when I'm able to muster up the courage to ask to do something I'd rather enjoy the time with you. Instead I just get ignored in favour of someone else who could give less shits about what you're doing right now. When I hardly ever see you and we decide to "hang out", you instead choose something that's with you all the time. I asked you to hang out to have conversations and actual fun, but all I get is knowledge about other people's drama. When did friendship become so distant? What's the point of even talking to you anymore if we don't actually talk anyways? I missed so much and now so many people I know have become so vapid. *Sigh* Sometimes sentimentality can't hold a friendship together. Even friends since elementary school grow apart. I just didn't expect it to be like this. It's disappointing. Am I the strange one for still believing in genuine friendship and human interaction? I don't speak to you only when I need you for something like answers on homework. Where have we all fallen? They say we'll become slaves to robots in the future, but we already are now. This time it's of our own self-absorbed volition.

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