Bonus Chapter Funny Tour Moment 1

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   Salsa Disaster in Chicago: Told by Scarlet

It was our first morning in Chicago. The rain was pouring down like no tomorrow. It was awful. The girls and I decided to go the this world famous salsa place. We got sat down right away because of our fame. I remember thinking "I could really get used to this treatment." We got this huge bowl of cheese and another huge bowl of salsa. These bowls came with little things to spice them up. Me being brave and stupid took some salsa and poured the hottest spice in. I took on bite and all hell broke loose...... in my mouth. I screamed "@$=! @=$'@ ©»®[{[\|\|»|" really loudly and spit the sauce on some old guy. Everyone was watching and some people were video taping the whole thing. For awhile it was really silent then everyone broke out laughing. Me I stood there like an idiot with my mouth burning. In one last attempt to sooth the fire I poured my glass of Dr. Pepper all over my face and into my mouth. Another awkward silence followed by camera clicks and laughter. It was so embarrassing at the time but later I realized just how funny the situation was.

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