Chapter Two

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Haley POV

The car ride was silent with the exception of the radio playing. A few times I would catch Stiles staring at me but he'd just turn and act like he wasn't. I couldn't help myself from staring either because he wasn't at all how I expected him to be whenever Allison mentioned him. He is handsome, sweet, and has the cutest smile ever! I propped my elbows up on the armrest and laid my chin in the palms of my hands. I looked dead at him and I could see he was glancing at me out of the corner of his eye in confusion as to why I had been staring at him. After about a good two minutes he finally turned to me asking


I smiled as I stared into his honey brown eyes.

"Nothing it's just, your kind of cute"

I saw his cheeks turn a light shade of pink and I watched as he sped up a bit, just barely staying within the speed limit. He kept his eyes on the road probably in hopes that I didn't see him blush, but to be honest it was totally cute. Actually he is totally cute, I would definitely date this guy but I'm sure he has that special someone already. He continued to hide his blush which made me say

"Hey, hey, hey don't look away. I think it's totally attractive"

His blush darkened only causing me to giggle. I looked at the clock seeing we still had a whole hour before we had to get to school and I watched as he glanced at the clock too. He slowed the car down, pulling off into a nearby coffee shop about 20 minutes away from the school. He turned in his seat to face me as I mimicked the movement.


I said batting my eyes in attempt to be flirtatious. He gave me a toothy grin and grabbed both of my hands in his and I swear I felt a spark ignite. Slow and luxuriously he brought my hands up to his mouth and did the most cliché thing, kissed the back of them.

"I'm glad to have finally met you. I mean Allison always talked about you like some kind of goddess. So please tell me more about you" he said the last part in a playfully demanding tone.

I giggled a bit before asking "Well what do you want to know?"


"Okay, uh I'm a Sophomore, I'm 16, I like sarcastic, cute, not jocks type of guys, my favorite color is blue. I love pizza and pancakes, my favorite subject is writing, I love fashion, my favorite sport is basketball, and every guy I've ever date has turned out to be complete jerks."

"Oh okay well am I next?"

"Duhh" I said laughing as if it was the most obvious thing.

"So I'm also a sophomore, I just turned 16, my favorite color is blue as you can see..." he paused gesturing around his jeep "...I play lacrosse, my favorite food is everything, and I think we should be heading to school so you can finish meeting everyone."

"Oh and I'm sarcastic, cute, and totally not a jock" he added while winking.

I blushed looking down at the time to see we had been talking for 20 minutes and nodded towards it while he quickly followed my gaze. I wanted to get to school early anyways so that I could finish meeting the rest of Allison's friends and so far I think me and Stiles have developed a bit of a friendship or something. He doesn't seem at all like he is uncomfortable at that fact that I am still holding his hand. I never let go since he had put mines in his and I didn't want to let go anytime soon, but reluctantly it would have to happen. He turned in his seat with one hand still in mines and 10 minutes later we arrived in the school parking lot and parked next to a green, black, and white motorcycle with two people on it. I couldn't see either of there faces because they both had helmets on. We came to a complete stop and I leaned over to put the stuff that fell out back in my book bag while Stiles scurried out of the car. A second later my door was ripped open causing me to jump and I looked up to see Stiles gesturing me out of the car. I stepped out and the person in front on the motorcycle had revealed his face and said to Stiles

"Nice job".

The person on the back of the motorcycle was in the mist of taking her helmet off and when she finished I saw it was Allison. She gave a small wave while I cocked an eyebrow and jerked my head to the guy she was holding on to wondering if that was the Scott that had carpooled her this morning.

"Oh Hales this is Scott and I see you and Stiles have already met and are getting along just fine"

She said giving a wink. I laughed and held my hand out to Scott for him to shake and he gladly accepted it.

"I'm Haley and it is a pleasure to meet you Scott. I've heard so much about you and it's kind of scary that I barely know you but know everything about you"

He let out a friendly chuckle and said

"It's funny I can say the same"

We all burst into fits of laughter as people who walked past gave us clueless looks. Once our laughter died down, we headed into the school. As we walked the steps to the building the bell sounded signaling the beginning of class. The sound was so loud that both Allison and I jump 20 feet in the air and when we landed back on the ground we clutched to the closest arm to us. She grab Scott while I grabbed Stiles. Scott smiled down at Allison while I felt Stiles tense under my touch making me quickly ripped my hand from him. He looked at me with somewhat of a sad/hurt look after looking down at his arm where I'd just touched and gripped it tightly before we all started off back into the school.




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P.S. Updates will be coming soon so be ready, bit not too ready. I'm going to try and make time to update with everything going on with school write now.

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