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It has been 2 weeks since we had Nashville and Demi was obsessed with him. I went to the store to get more jelly for his circumcised penise,"Babe?" I headed upstairs,I found her in the bed,kissing Nash's cheeks,I smiled,I put the bag down and crawled onto the other side of him,I supported myself with my elbow,"I haven't seen you this happy before.." I smiled at Demi.

"My life is perfect right down." she gushed,I smiled back,"Good." I kissed her cheek,Nash grasped at my shirt,I laughed,"What you want squirt?" I kissed his cheek as Demi kissed his other cheek,he smiled a gummy smile,"Ahh he smiled!" Demi smiled,"He sure did!" I smiled.

"I think he pooped,babe." I picked him up and took him to the nursery.

Demi's POV.

I got up and headed to the kitchen,I got the bread out and the cheese and the turkey,along with mustard. I put it on the island.  I grabbed two plates and put two bread slices on each. 

"What is mommy doing?" Joe walks in,holding Nash. "My men." I smiled. I kissed Nash's cheek,then Joe's lips,"You ready for lunch,right? Did you put the gel on his--"

"I'm hungry and I put the gel on,babe." he smiled,he then went to the living room,I started spreading the mustard on the bread. I then placed two pieces of turkey  on both sandwhiches,I then put a slice of cheese on top and closed the sandwhich,I carried the plates to the living room.

"Hold on,babe." Joe laid out Nashville's playing blanket and laid him on his stomach for belly time,I sat down and handed Joe his plate. "This is good babe." Joe smiled with his mouth full,I laughed,"Thanks." I smiled,I took a few pieces of my sandwhich.

"Winston,no.." Joe looked at his dog,getting closer to Nash,"Winston.." Joe put his plate on his lap.We watched as Winston just sniffed him,"Babe,put Winston up..he's scaring me." I said,Joe handed me his plate and picked up Winston,taking him outside.

I saw Nash looking at me,I leaned over,"Hey baby boy!" I smile,chewing on my sandwhich,I'll feed you in a minute." I smiled,eating."Okay." Joe sat back and got his plate back. I finished my sandwhich and I got up and put my plate in the sink,I picked up Nash,"It's his feeding time." I smiled and I headed to Nashville's room.


"I just put him down for a nap." I sat on the couch,putting my legs on his lap,he began stroking my legs,I smiled,"Thank you,Joe.." I looked at him,"For what?" he smiled,"Making me the happiest woman on this earth,you saved me.." I pulled my hair up into a ponytail.

"I didn't save you." he smiled down at my feet,"You did too.." I smiled,"You saved me from Nathan...and from killing gave me love,respect and happiness." I smiled,"If anyone saved was you, saved me from a disconstructive marriage,babe.You gave me all the things I wanted...I love you." he pecked my lips,I smiled.

"I've been thinking.." I gushed,"About?..."
"If we have a girl next..I want to name her Madelynn,but if it was a boy, I want Eli." I smiled,
"Whoa,babe, let's focus on this one first." he laughed,"I know,I'm just saying." I smiled,I climbed on his lap and kissed him,wrapping my arms around his neck,he put his hands on my sides and pulled me close. 

"You're so sexy as a father." I smiled,"You're a sexyass mother." he smiled,kissing my neck."Ooh,Nash is up,I guess he pooped his pants." I got up and went to Nash.


"Are we really ready to take him out in public?" Joe got Nash in his carseat,"We need groceries,babe." I crawled onto the back,so I can take care of him,Joe shut the door and got in,I reached over and kissed his cheek. 

He started driving to the grocery store,"I'm nervous.." I sighed,"Of grocery shopping?" he looked into the rear view mirror,I laughed,"No..paparazzi." I sighed.

"Well,if they call you fat....give them that finger. Cause you just had a baby two weeks ago. I'm proud of you not being like other celebrities.." he smiled,driving. "What you mean?" I took a deep sigh,"They work so hard to burn it off...and I think it's ridiculous,they should not give about their weight when they have a little baby." he said,I smiled.

"I love you." I smiled.


"DEMI! JOE!! SHOW US THE BABY!!" they yelled at us,walking inside the store,I covered Nash's stroller with a blanket,we headed inside.

"YOU'RE SO FAT,DEMI." someone yelled,Joe let me walk in first,I turned around and saw Joe flipping them off,I headed to the asile,Joe was pushing the car,I uncovered Nashville,"There he is." I smiled,I kissed his forehead.

"So what do we need?" Joe looked at me,"Many for the week,diapers and more food." I laughed,"Alright." he stated,we started with the frozen meat asile.


We checked out and we headed to the car,I got Nash into the car and then I helped Joe put the groceries up,"I'll put the cart up." I smiled,"Thank you baby." Joe cupped my face and kissed me,I smiled and walked to put the cart up,I then headed.

"You ready to head home?" he backed up the car,"Yes,I'm exhausted already." I giggled. He began driving home.

"Uh oh." I said to Nash,"What is it babe?" Joe asked,driving,"Nash dropped his toy,I can't get it." I struggled,Nash started crying,"'s going to be okay....shhh." I kissed his cheek,but he just screamed his head off.

Joe then reached down,"I almost have it." Joe looked,I looked at the road,he began going into the different lane,"JOE! STOP!" I screamed and covered Nash.

Joe's POV.

"JOE! STOP!" Demi screamed and covered Nash,I looked back at the road and I was fixing to crash,"Shit!" I cursed,I tried to get back to the right lane but this big bus crashed into me,pushing me back into the wrong lane,crashing me into more cars,my car swirled when it hit a truck.

I couldn't feel my arm and every was quiet,"Demi? okay,it's okay.." I pushed her,nothing,"Nash?" I asked. 

I heard a little whimper.

I grabbed my phone with my movable arm and called 911.


The end. Just kidding.


If you haven't read I Promise by EvaleeSmilez,you need to because that story was life. Also you need to  read her story,A New Ride,because that is life aswell. I Promise will give you mixed emotions,just saying,Just check the girl out.

Chloe out,bye.

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