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~*~ Emma's pov ~*~

I was following Robin further into the Enchanted Forest. It had changed since the last time I was here. Trolls didn't seem to be a problem anymore, which I was grateful for honestly. My last run in with a troll was more than enough for a lifetime.

Robin was looking at me over his shoulder, making sure I was still there while holding Roland's hand as he walked along. I didn't have much choice but to come along with him. Not knowing the way around the forest and being on your own was generally a bad idea around here. I wasn't about to take my chances, seeing I was unarmed. I didn't really count on my magic since I didn't have as much control over it as Regina did.

"We'll set up camp here for now." Robin spoke and put his stuff down. "Setup the tent. Tomorrow we will continue to your new home." He said with a bit of a smirk.
"You must be so proud of yourself." I mumbled and he straightened up and looked at me.
"You should be grateful to be alive." He said and dumped the tent on the floor. "Get to work, Swan."
"It's not half as intimidating unless Regina says it." I chuckled and picked up the tent. He slapped me across the cheek and shook his head.
"My words might not be, but my actions will leave an impression." He said while I held my throbbing cheek, my anger flaring.


I woke up, my hands and ankles bound as I lay on the floor. I groaned as I turned and tried to get the stiffness out of my limbs but without much success. Robin entered the tent and smirked.
"So, the princess finally wakes." He said and untied me. "Now get up, we have quite a hike ahead of us." He said and kicked against my boot. I glared at him but got up regardless and got myself together.

After we broke up the remainder of the camp, we head out again. Roland was still sleeping as Robin carried him while I dragged the stuff of our camp along. It sure was heavy to drag along with you through the forest.

"So, will you at least tell me where we are going?" I asked and the man looked over at me.
"I suppose I can tell you where you'll be for the rest of your life here... I'm going to throw you into the dungeons of the Dark Palace." He said and smirked. "Now that Regina no longer inhibits her palace, I'm sure you will be the only one there for the rest of your short damn life." He said and I shuddered.
"You're just going to lock me up and leave me there... Well that's a plan." I said and tried to think of a way to escape from his insanity.
"Considering there will be no one to feed you and no supply of water. I doubt you'll last three days. I'm sure by the time Regina finds you, you will be long dead and I get my revenge."
"And I thought that Robin Hood was supposed to be good. You're no better than how Regina used to be." I cocked an eyebrow and he turned to me, gritting his teeth.
"You two made me into this! If Regina didn't love you, this never would have happened. I love her so much, I could get past the whole Evil Queen thing, but in the end she just used me..." The man said and I grit my teeth.

"Regina never wanted any of this... You're just another idiot who thought he could give what she wanted, but in the end you're all just pathetic and useless! She doesn't need someone to hold her freaking hand and tell her 'its OK'... She needs someone who fights by her side and is willing to embrace the darkness as she is willing to embrace the light." My anger flared to new heights and my magic came out. I could feel it rushing through my body. "Just get the hell out of my way..." I said and left the tent and everything behind and just walked off.
"Get back here!" He said and he fired an arrow in the tree nearest to me. I stopped and turned around, seeing him aiming another arrow at me. I just balled my fists and took a deep breath.
"Put... It... Down..." I warned him and he just pulled the string and lined up his shot. "Have it your way..." I mumbled and hit him with my magic, knocking him back into a tree.

"Take care of yourself and your son. I'm out of here." I said and used my magic to teleport myself away.

I reappeared at the Dark Palace. Having seen it so many times in Henry's book, it was the first place I could think of.

When I was in the Enchanted Forest with my mother, we never got anywhere near this place. I was curious though how Regina lived all those years ago.

I made my way through the palace, exploring all the rooms and hallways, until I eventually found Regina's room at the very top of the palace. It looked quite luxurious, but also rather empty. I moved over to the bed and sat down on it. Dust had gathered everywhere and covered everything in a layer of gray. I sighed as I could tell a very unhappy woman lived here. The whole castle was as dark and empty as her heart used to be.

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