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Kelly's POV

I wake up get ready and start making breakfast for the boys. I woke up early so I could see Axl. Just as I was putting the eggs on the plates there was a knock on the door.

Right after the person knocked they walk in and in came my boyfriend Axl "Axl!" I ran up and hugged him "I've missed you so much!" We let go and I pecked his lips.

He laughs "I missed you too" it was awkward at first, since we hadn't seen each other in a while. But the awkwardness cleared up and we started talking about life "So how is it in Germany?" I ask.

We both sit on a love sac "It's great!" We talk and talk until I hear foot steps come down the stairs. And down comes Logan, shirtless. I look over at Axl and he had a confused yet angry face.

I stand up and give him his breakfast "Good morning Logan" he didn't say anything and I don't think he noticed Axl. He just had his head down, I knew Logan wasn't a morning person so I gave him some space.

He sits down and eats. After about one minute he looks up confused "Hello." He said looking at Axl "Who are you?" I look at Axl he looks angry. There was an awkward silence.

I cleared my throat breaking the silence "Um Logan this is my boyfriend from Germany, Axl." Axl stands up to go greet Logan "And Axl this is my friend Logan Paul, he's a YouTuber. He Vlogs" I chuckle nervously.

Axl tries to shake his hand but Logan rejects him "Ok!" I say "Axl, Logan and some of his friends stayed over for a movie night because Logan had no WiFi!" Axl sits down across from Logan and I sit next to Axl eating my breakfast.

Mark quickly runs down the stairs dressed with his backpack and camera "Good morning guys!" Mark says cheerfully "I have to go. I have a video to shoot and then meetings" he grabs his keys and goes up to Logan.

He taps his shoulder and Logan looks at him "I'll bring Kiley over for the shoot later." He smiles "Sound good?" Logan nods and continues eating. Mark walks towards the door "Oh! Bye Kelly!" I shout bye and he leaves closing the door behind him.

Axl looks at me, he has a suspicious look on his face "So Kelly. Have anything you want to say?" I look at him confused. I stand up and go in the kitchen "Like what?" I ask rinsing my dish and putting it in the washer.

He stands up "Oh I don't know why you had a bunch of men over?" He says pointing to the door that Mark just left out of. I roll my eyes "We were just having a movie night." I go to Logan and take his now empty plate "Its not a big deal" I took his plate doing the same thing I did to mine.

He gets angry but calms down, reminding himself that I had guests "We'll talk about it later. I have a meeting" he grabs his phone and jacket and leaves, slamming the door behind him.

Logan clears his throat "Well that was something" he says awkwardly. I sigh "He's just being overdramatic. He's quite protective." I smile cleaning up what I made for breakfast.

Half an hour later, Logan's all ready for the day and George and Johannes just woke up. I reheat their food and place it on the table "Good morning gentleman!" They sit down and eat and I head up stairs to get ready.

Tonight Logan is taking me to a red carpet event and I'm super excited. He says its something about an award or something. Whatever it was I don't what it is. So i put makeup on and just wore some casual California clothes and I was going to put my gown on later.

I walk down the stairs and see Logan sitting on the couch. I look around, it seems that George and Johannes left already "You wanna go out with me Logan?" I ask Logan. He looks up at me "Um Sure!" He quickly jumps up and we leave.

=717 words=

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