Total Internal Reflection

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  • Dedicated to Science

Eyes open to prodigious darkness

shut off from inside

Wide awake or sound asleep?

sixth sense recalcitrant.

Pools of light reflect eternity;

journeying across 17 bridges,

progress hindered by toll booths,

collecting precious seconds.

Roadside inns show the way

envisoned kites soar skyward

birds hum a different tune

clouds break away.

Clusters of chocolate cosmos can

result in strong fragnance

reminiscent of all the memories

spade in hand

mind afloat among crashing waves,

power-lines firmly anchored.

dearth of wires cause disconnection

--tethered no more.

Earth,man;sky,bird we're

Each given singular texture,

To fulfill a colorful existence,

above or below.

In an non-monochromatic light

things out of focus

drift back tantalizingly within reach

among the grey

What lies beyond an image?

once everything is factored,

aren't they both the same?

realities abstruse theories

Sea and sky being blue

they mirror one another.

inverse rain from both ways,

topsy-turvy ocean.

The Critical angle once obtained

forms its own rainbow

at the end of which,

hide three wishes.

Edit:1 Cleared for typos.

Edit: 2 re-arranged for added clarity or just because.


Leprechauns have the ability to grant 3 wishes. We all know about the myth which speaks of there being a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. Instead of monetary gain there are other things which could be more satisfying. Some people would smoke the pot and leave the gold.

As for me, I'd be like Link from legend of zelda and smash the pot :v

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