Chapter two

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Arya lowered her gaze to the Needle look at the sword longingly. She remembered the day John gifted her the sword. She smiled softly as his face appeared in her mind. Ohh how I miss you, John, she thought. With a smile on her face she asked "When do I leave and where will I go?"

"You will board on an old slave ship in Ragman's Harbor. Serpent's Head its name. The ship will take you to Meereen. Once in Meereen you will find Daenerys Targaryen and ally yourself with her." Said kindly man.

"Daenerys Targaryen?" shouted Arya "My father fought against her father in Robbert rebellion. Mad king killed my grandfather and my uncle. How can I become an ally with her? Once she learns I am Stark she will surely kill me."

Kindly man chuckled softly. "Forget the old disputes girl. You weren't even alive when those things happened. And we are not going to send you there empty-handed. Cercie Lannister taken an interest with Dragon queen and she hired an assassin to kill her. You are going to intercept that said assassin before he completes his task. This will gain her favor for you."

Arya takes a long breath and composed herself. "Forgive me," she said. "İt shall be done as you ask."

"Just so." Said kindly man, nodding his head. " This task is going to take long time finish. When you are in doubt remember your training, remember him. Valar dohaeris, we are only a servant of his will, he will guide your way."

Arya shifted slightly, rise her shoulders "is there anything else. I should start my preparation for the journey." Said Arya.

Kindly man looked at girl's face and hold gaze his for a short while, "Dragon queen is not your final destination. You will travel with her wherever she goes, protect her, do her biddings. This path will take you to the north eventually. I don't know how long it will take but you got to see your home again Arya Stark."

Kindly man closed his eyes, resume his old position middle of the room, "We lingered enough. Go find waif, girl. She will help."

With a slight nod, Arya stalked out of the room.

The pungent smell of harbor snaped Arya from her memories. Arya glanced around, crowded street of Ragman's Harbor blocked her view. Arya sighed deeply and walk down through the street. Swift as a deer. Syrio's voice echoed in her head. Just about passing fifth ship Arya spot the old ship. She stalked towards her with a hasty pace.

Serpent's Head. Treu to her name, there was ugly carving, resembling slightly to a serpent. Arya scans the ship, its gonna be a long ride, she thought.

Arya climbs up to ship as the hangover sailors run about carrying ship's load. Captain noticed her presence, wave at her to come to his side. As she approached, Arya size up the captain, He is a well-aged man, in cleans clothes, she thought.

"Morning m'lady, I am captain Mordin, and this here is my boy Shorty. Welcome to the Serpent's Head." Mordin greeted her, pride in his voice.

"Thank you captain, but I am no lady. Lana will be enough." Said Lana dryly. "Pardon me saying but you don't look like an old slaver. Are you sure this is your ship?"

"İts correct this vessel is an old slave ship, but I recently purchased with a very low price. Thanks to Her Grace, Queen Daenerys slave trade is nearly extinct. Faul business that is, trading man, women, and children." Mordin said gruffly. "Your chambers is readied for you. Shorty will show you the way. İf you pardon me, I must attend final preparations before we sail."

"if you'll follow m'lady," said Shorty as he slightly bows his head. Arya stalked after him.

Shorty stop at the door of her chamber, he pulled a key in his pocket, "Here is your key, locked the door when you sleep and when you leave the chamber. We don't want any uninvited guest stroll into your chamber." Said plainly, then leave the room.

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