Trying to Fit in

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     I sat dismally in class as the seething boy next to me kept shooting me foul glares. 

"Can I help you?" I finally ask in annoyance. He narrowed his eyes at me and growled. 

"Tch, shut the fuck up." He snaps. I just sigh and make a note to literally never speak to him. 

"Pssst! Hey, L/N." A voice whispers from in front of us. I look to see a boy with blonde hair with a lighting bolt streak in it. 

"I'm Kaminari, nice to meet you." He grins. "You just transferred in yeah? Must be crappy having to deal with Bakugou all day huh?" He chuckles. 

"It's not the most fun experience, but I am at least grateful he is helping me." I say with a slight nod. Bakugou gives me a glare and returns to his work. 

"So what's with this weird transfer into our class huh?" Kaminari asks as he fully turns around. 

"Well....I uh, got here later so I had to start at a different place than you guys." I say rubbing the back of my neck nervously. 

"Okay....but why?" He asks again. 

"Because my, uhh, plane ticket was mixed up!" I blurt out. 

"Plane ticket?" He says totally intrigued. "Where did you fly in from?" 

"Well I was only on vacation and I don't really remember where I was, but I remember my flight was messed up so I got here late." I sigh. He grins and leans on my desk. 

"Well if you need anything  just let me know, k?" He winks. I just nod with a raised eyebrow and return to my work. 

"L/N, why does that sound familiar...." Kaminari wonders looking at me. "Where's it from?"

"Rosetta L/N, aka Mother Nature." I smile proudly. His jaw drops. 

"Your mom.....WAS MOTHER NATURE?!" He gasps. I nod and smile. 

"She was an amazing hero, and I hope I can be a hero like her." I could tell I was starting to daydream because a hand was waved in front of my face. 

"Ummm L/N, you okay?" Kaminari laughs. 

"Y-yeah, just zoning out I guess." I laugh, a little embarrassed. Not long after I had snapped out of it, the bell rang. Now I was excited, it was LUUUUNCH TIIIIME!

     I follow my guide, well he drags me but for the sake of my dignity I will say follow, to the lunchroom and stare in awe at the huge room of people and food. The sights, the sounds, the SMELLS! It was all so amazing! He drags me to line and we stand there in awkward silence. 

"So is the food here good?" I ask trying to break this horrible silence. 

"It's not shit." He growls as we move up. 

"Oh, okay then...." I say shrinking back. I DEFINITELY did not like him and was about done trying to be nice and friendly. People like him really irk me. I humph and grab my food, typing in my given student number. I take my tray but instead of following Bakugou, I sneak away to sit by myself at a table. I smile at the newfound comfort of true silence and take a bite of my food. My eyes light up at the amazing taste and I eat some more. 

"Hey, L/N!" Iida waves as he and these other two people walk up to me. "Would you ind if we joined you for lunch?" He asks with a straight face. 

"Of course not, have a seat." I smile. As much as I knew I wasn't supposed to make friends, a LITTLE social interaction couldn't hurt....right?

"So L/N, how are you liking UA so far?" A girl with brown hair and rosy cheeks asks me.

"It's so amazing! The curriculum, the people, the ambiance, it's all so magical!" I grin. 

"That's great! I'm Uraraka and this is Deku. It's really nice to meet you!" She smiles. I give a nod to them both. 

"Likewise." I giggle. 

"Iida says that you just transferred here, where'd you come from?" Deku asks nervously.   

"I had a bit of a mix up, but I'm from around here actually." I smile at them. 

"I see. Well none the less I am glad to see someone with such determination join our class. It's attitudes like yours that give UA it's prowess and good name." Iida compliments. My cheeks turn a light pink. 

"I-I wouldn't go that far, but thank you!" I laugh. 

"Tch, there you are! Stupid fucker making me LOOK for you! Who the hell told you you could sit with these nerds?!" Bakugou snaps slamming his stuff down beside me. 

"I did because you aren't very enjoyable company. I wanted at least a small break from your attitude and vulgarity." I huff. MY patience with him was nonexistent. 

"what the fuck did you just say to me?! If I lose you our dumb fuck of a teacher will expel me. I won't have some bitch like you ruin my way to becoming the number one hero." He growls. "so stay WITH me or I'll MAKE you." 

"Listen here, whether or not you get expelled will be based completely on your attitude. To put it simply I don't like people like you who think they're better than everyone else." I groan. "Your type is no good to anybody and it's not the attitude of a true hero. You won't get ANYWHERE with how you're acting." 

"Tch, who the fuck do you think you are?" He hisses at me. 

"I'm a human being, which MEANS I have feelings. If you're going to treat me like some nuisance then I won't tolerate your company any longer." I sigh as I get up. "I'll find my next class on my OWN." With that, I stormed off. 

     Oh great Y/N, you're LOST! He may be a total jerk but you could BOTH be in serious trouble for this!  I think to myself with an inward groan. 

"Tch, there you are." A familiar, irritated voice growls as they grab my shoulder. "Class starts in two minutes so HURRY." He snaps as he drags me. 

"Wait!" I protest, but to no avail. He continues dragging me through the halls into our final class.  

    As SOON as that bell rang, I shot up and turned to Bakugou. 

"Well, it was nice of you to uhh....HELP me, so thanks. From here on out I should have it on my own so there will be no need for you to-" He cuts me off by slamming his hand onto my desk. 

"Shut up! I was told to lead you around and that's what I'm gonna do. You have no say in it so just shut the fuck up!" He seethes as he gets right in my face. I didn't know how to respond. I was frozen just staring at him. It was at this exact moment Aizawa comes in to get me. 

"Alright Y/N, let's go." He sighs sleepily. I gladly follow him and listen as he explains to me I'll have to live somewhere else since my dad may track me back to him. I could only wonder where my new home would be.....

     I walk up to the door and give a strong, confident knock. 

"Ah you must be Y/N!" A woman beams embracing me. She looks a lot like......oh All Might please no....

"MOM, WHO THE FUCK IS AT THE-" Bakugou stops his rampage when he sees me. "The fuck is SHE doing here?!" He shouts at his mother. 

"Y/N will be LIVING with us so treat her with respect! She'll be staying in the guest room so go ahead and show her up." She commands her son. With vulgar grumbles he grabs my wrist and drags me to my room. 

"Here, now leave me the fuck alone." He snaps as he slams the door. 

How could this get any worse?  I sigh to myself. I guess when you ask that question, you don't consider the universe giving you an answer........

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