11: Royally Kissed and Blasted to Bits

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a/n: hey I actually rhymed!


Slouched on the desk, Kiss wanted to sleep.

She was up all night, trying to find ways to make her lusted lipstick. Using an Ero for experimental purposes, Kiss tried to burn, melt, cut, dissolve, grill, mash, bake, roast, shred- heck she even tried to use products from Earth to make it in a liquid form.

But to no avail, the Ero stayed in its solid state.

Hoseok, who was next to her, touched her arm gently, whispering her name.

"Kiss?" He asked, gently rubbing her arm. Although the endearing gesture made her want to slap him, Kiss felt instantly better under his touch, after all, he was the son of Apollo.

Hoseok was a happy kid.

"Tired," she grumbled.

"Did you get enough sleep?"


The two of them landed themselves in detention somehow. The sound of the second hand ticking just made time seem longer as no other sound was made.

Like a block of ice, Hoseok suddenly went ridged.

"S-Something's off," he stuttered, eyes alert.

Kiss ignored his speculation, sleepier than ever.

All of a sudden, black ink bubbled from the floor of the classroom, fluidly making it's way to Hoseok. He screamed and ran for the door, stopping when the black liquid smothered the door. The room dimmed, leaving Hoseok in panic.

"What's going on?!" Hoseok shrieked. Kiss' eyes opened and her drowsiness faded immediately.

"Is this some joke?' Kiss scoffed, standing up. The black substance shaped itself into a mold of a human being, and Hoseok's eyes popped out of his sockets when a hooded figure came out of it. His face was unrecognizable, eyes solid red.

"Jung Hoseok, she is mine," he growled, voice unrecognizable as well.

"What? I-I don't k-know-" He blubbered, trying to find the strength within him.

Kiss gasped when her muscles involuntarily froze, immobilizing her. It jarred her memory, as she remembered what had happened at the club.

It made sense.

The underworld statement, the reason why he could resist her extraction, the immobility spell;

It was the Hades' eldest son.

She wanted to scream out to Hoseok, warning him about the underworld's Prince, but her jaw slackened.

She couldn't talk.

The Prince advanced, placing his cold hands on her cheeks. Stroking the soft skin, he glanced into her eyes. Hoseok was struggling under his restraint, for the heir ordered the black goo to anchor him in place.

"So beautiful," he whispered. Kiss was using all her strength to get one leg or arm moving, but no matter how hard she tried, her condition stayed the same.

"Oh darling, I know," he smiled, brushing a piece of hair out of her face.

"Don't touch her!" Hoseok warned, scared for her safety.

"Who are you to say that to me, weakling of Apollo?" He spat, eyes locked on him.

"I am son of Hades. You bow down to me."

Something within Hoseok snapped, as he thrashed around. "Shut up!"

This was the first time Hoseok was really angry.

Ignoring his threats, the Prince met Kiss' eyes. He softened at the sight of her, seeing the slight fear in her eyes.

"Don't be afraid," he soothed. "You have nothing to be afraid of."

He placed his ice-cold lips on her forehead, lingering for a while before pulling away.

"I will see you again, my darling."

And he was gone.


It pained Hoseok that he was like a helpless pup, unable to save Kiss in that situation. Beside him, the two of them walked down the sidewalk, to his and Sasha's house.

"I'm sorry," Hoseok whispered, head bowed down. He had noticed how Kiss would tenderly touch the place where the Prince's lips met her skin, masking the wince that so badly wanted to surface.

"You realize, that could've been your chance," Kiss hissed, rubbing the spot.

"I don't know! I was trying to get to you but nothing came! My powers at the moment are nonexistent!" Hoseok pulled frustratingly at his hair.


The faint scream made their insides churn. Color drained from Hoseok's face, as he broke into a dead sprint.

"Sash!" He yelled, running towards her voice. His breath fogged up in the cold air, coming out in short bursts.

Kiss could see her struggle against a figure twice her height, who was choking her relentlessly near the forest's edge. Fighting back, Sasha threw a punch, but brown roots wrapped around her incoming fist.

As if there was a force field, Kiss and Hoseok crashed into the invisible wall that surrounded the fighting duo. Due to Hoseok's full out sprint, he was knocked unconscious, limp on the green grass.

Kiss banged up her forehead pretty good, as she staggered backwards. Her hands immediately flew to the spot of impact, which was conveniently placed on the already painful kiss.

"Fuck," Kiss cursed. Despite the blaring pain, she banged her fists on the force in hopes for it to break.

"Get off her!"

The tree-like creature's hands pried open, and Sasha crashed to the floor, gasping. It's leafy green eyes snapped to the charmer.

"Other Olympians are not to interfere," it growled, the deepness of the voice making the ground shake.

Before he could say more, Sasha dived in and expertly sliced his head off clean using the knife she had dropped earlier. However, the head grew back, even stronger than before. He scooped Sasha up in one hand and violently flung her against the wall, and Kiss was sure she heard a crack.

His eyes focused on Kiss once again. "You will pay."

One of his arms extended at an alarming rate, straight at Kiss. She managed to dodge it, but it swerved right back to her and stuck her side with such force that Kiss was airborne. Hitting the ground, her skin rubbed painfully against the pavement.

Sasha miraculously got up, a green glow around her figure. Her hair was a mess, her clothes were ripped, and blood coated many of her wounds, yet she could feel herself get more and more powerful.

Aware of her presence, the creature faced her and flinched once he saw the glow. Her arms were shaking in fury, hands balled in fists.

"No," she said, gritting her teeth, "you are the one to pay."

With a flick of her wrist, the arm shrank back. He was under her control now.

"I am the daughter of Artemis," she gandered, her hands before her. "You obey me."

And with one sharp movement, the creature was reduced to a pile of dust.


a/n: you guys should read Colors by wangkongbean

first book to make me cry like a bitch (and i never cry over books unless it's good)

wangkongbean, if ur reading this, i aspire to write like you.

ur so fucking good.

All of my recommended books are in my profile under the reading list called best.

Anyways, thank you @compucat @fyhotshot @ellllllllllllliie and @Lobster-queen for your support!

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