So, Why Am I So Tired?

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To start off with, yes! This is probably one of the most dumbest titles ever but it's a serious question!

Also, I would like to thank Eran Mendle for his absolutely amazing taste in Gif's! If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be putting all these random Gif's on the title's of every single book I am going to write on this website, ever!

So thanks bud.

Okay, so back to what I was saying before. 

If you aren't up to date with what is going on here, and if you haven't already read the book description because you are lazy like me, and you judge things by the title just like me then number one, we should be friend's and number two, here's a quick recap of what's going on. 

I was staring blankly at my computer screen and was wondering what I write for my first ever story on Wattpad. Of course it needed to be something that people would be interested in and of course it needed to be something that people could relate too... so of course I took to Google! The place where dreams come true. The place where it takes you through a million other irrelevant websites until you find the one you are looking for.

The most popular search was 'Why Am I Always Tired?' And I thought to myself, I can really relate to this and I am sure other's can to so now I am going to explain the reason on why I am always tired and why that this is completely self inflicted and I can blame it on the dog all I want but I know the secret truth. 

So here it is...

Okay, so I know I know, we all get tired. It is a basic function of the human body. And yes, I could go all sciency into this and I'll pretend that I am not about to google 'The Science Behind Why Humans Get Tired' and then copy and paste a whole chunk from some poor guy who has sat on his computer typing away trying to avoid such situation's like these, sipping away on a cup of tea in a lab somewhere with loads of test tubes bubbling away behind him like he's trying to hot box the lab... 

Okay, you get where I am going with that. 

So here is the boring version to this story. 

The longer a person or animal is awake, the stronger the urge to sleep becomes. This is known as sleep pressure. Prior studies pointed to adenosine as a trigger for sleep pressure. The chemical accumulates in the brain during waking hours, eventually helping to stimulate the unique patterns of brain activity that occur .

Credit goes to: The Live Science Staff (You Legends.)

So that was boring. I literally didn't read that so I'm not sure what I pasted but let's just hope it isn't a link to any of the dodgy movie watching website's I go onto daily! Serious question though, I need to watch Kingsman so hook me up with the link and I will hook you up with the hot scientist who wrote that sexy paragraph back there. 

Or what that me? Joking.

Last night, I was splayed on the sofa downstairs with my family all watching a TV show and I started to feel my eyes doing that thing where they get all droopy and shit and they start to mess you around like lil bitches. So I thought to myself, ahhh bed time! My comfy, soft, fresh linen bed is awaiting for me upstairs. Waiting to be enveloped by my body. 

My bed is a she by the way. Her name is Judith. Don't judge.

I could hear Judith's springs calling to me. She was begging for me to dive on her and fall into a deep sleep. So on that note, my body rose from the sofa, I cheered goodbye to my family member's and then I exited the sitting room, walked through the corridor, past the fireplace, to the bottom of the stairs. I did this weird thing where you basically get one leg and move it in front of the other so your body goes forward. Somehow, I reached the top of the stairs, turned right, down the corridor a little then I did a sharp left then I ran for my bed. 

But then I remembered that my face was caked in foundation and I had my contact's in and I don't want my eyeball's to turn inside out so I had to force myself up to go and take care of that shiznit. 

I exited my en-suite then went towards my bed where I peeled back the cover's and got in. From there, I was suddenly wide awake. I was literally staring at the mirror on the opposite side of my room and pondered my life decisions like...

Lottie, why the F did you have to eat that MacDonalds today? Argh you piss me off so much sometimes. You look like Susan Boyle on crack! 

Or is that just Susan Boyle? 

I leant down, picked up my laptop and there on my screen was two Netflix notifications. 

A new Episode of Riverdale. 

A new Episode of The Good Place. 

My eyes did a mini spasm and I immediately clicked on Riverdale. After I had watched Riverdale I then watched The Good Place. 

Once I had gone through those two, I thought to myself. Is this it? Is this really what life is? Yes, this is what life is. So I scrolled through Netflix a little more then watched The Babysitter. Basically another movie with Bella Thorne playing a psycho.

By the time I was half way through this, it was 1:00 in the morning. I had school the next day and I needed to be up by 7:30. So I said to myself. Two more minutes. 

And weirdly, I actually exited Netflix and closed the tab down. 

But wait a minute! What is this I see? A new Mukbang video notification on YouTube?

No! Do not click on it. Do not click on it you silly girl!

Okay, one Mukbang video then I am done! I can go to sleep after watching someone eating a KFC for twenty minutes. So once I had waded through that. My stomach rumbled. I had no breakfast, a tiny lunch, a few snacks, more snacks, a dessert. More food was required! So up I popped downstairs. Pass my army of five dogs then too the fridge where I found some frosted wheat which I ate raw. And by raw I mean, without milk. 

By this point I said to myself. 'I feel great now, so I am sure I will be feeling great in six hours time when I have to wake up.' 

After eating cereal, I grabbed a glass of water and went upstairs where I sat quietly and drank away. 

Before I swear I was about to sleep. My phone opened up with a bright yellow notification. 

OMG, my friend is up at the same time as me? This has too call for a celebration. So I went onto snapchat and opened up the message from my friend. 

It read Night. Damn so no late night weird conversation's with the bae. Looks like, I do have to sleep. But not before I quickly check Instagram. I feel great, I know for a fact in the morning I will wake up all bright and breezy with not a care in the world.

A quick check on Instagram turned into an hour of watching video's on drunkpeopledoingthings. I was sat wading through video after video not even noticing it had reached two thirty in the morning. 

Shit. I yelled to myself internally. Okay Lottie, it is seriously time to get some kip. 

You will be proud to know that the following events that occurred after that was a deep sleep and a few weird dreams. 

So, to answer my question. Why am I always tired? It is because I really do have high expectation's for myself in the morning's and I have this weird feeling that I am going to magically one day wake up without swearing at something and I will be so damn jolly and I won't have to cover foundation over the bags under my eyes. 

That's the dream. 

Basically, this is a self inflicted problem. You need to get your act together. You need to chuck every grain of technology out of the window of your room and flush your finger's down the toilet so you can't use them. 

If you read the small print in the book cover picture it just state that this story is pointless but guess what, you just read it! Which means it was interesting in some shape or form so lets settle with that. 

Now for the lame promoting part. 

Vote, Comment, (Do people say like anymore) No, this is not YouTube. You know what to do people. 

Stay safe and don't do drugs kids!

XOXO Gossip Girl. 

A.K.A The Search Surgeon,

A.K.A Lottie x

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