Chapter Two: Good Girl

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Cara's POV

I woke up early. I took a glance on the girl sleeping peacefully beside me. Why didn't I noticed it earlier?.She's beautiful.

I went down to the kitchen to cook for breakfast while taking a bath. I woke granddad then walked to Ken in the guests'room.

"Ken--kenny,wake up." I said while slowly shaking her arm. She then woke up and scratched her eyes.

When she yawned, it's so cute. I tried looking away, because I would look like a creep staring at her.

She nodded and we finally went downstairs. Granddad is just done eating.

He seems to be in a rush.

"I apologise, there's an emergency. I need to go to the hospital. So--Cara,take care of Kendall." He said rushing out the door.

I smiled and nodded.

"I forgot to tell you,granddad was a doctor." I told Ken.

We sat down and started eating.

"Oh. He sure is a busy man for his age."

"He's 67 and actually retiring 7 years ago,but he does love his job. There's no other veteran doctor here. That's why they're letting him work."

"By the way,where actually are we going first to find my boyfriend?."

"Right. About that, It's either here or in the 2nd Street. It's a bit far but we sure could find him at least."


Mr. Delevingne's (granddad) POV

In the hospital, the patient seems to look like he's beaten up hard.

It's a young man. I thought of Kendall. I thought this could be his boyfriend. I never saw this guy here before.

After 2 hours of making him feel better. I asked him.

"Do you happen to know a girl named Kendall?."

"No." He said to my dismay.

"Then,who did this to you?."

"A group of men. B--but I could recall the face of their leader." The young man said. Trying to talk just fine.

"Bernard--" I called. It was the police standing in front of the hospital room door.

"Yes sir?." Asked Bernard.

"Sketch the face of the man who's responsible for this violence."

"So the guy has a British accent,with a blonde and curly hair..." And so on.

After the victim's description of how the suspects' leader looks like,the police agency posted this guy's face all over the whole 13th Street and 2nd Street.

I talked to Bernard after because he said he had new findings about this case.

"The patient's name is Richard Smith. A Canadian Citizen. He was a scholar that studies about different kinds of rocks and minerals. He heard this place from his professor and he thought that this could be a chance for him to have the greatest discoveries. He even stated that there are minerals found here that are rarely found in some places on Earth. But while studying the rocks and minerals in some underground caves here in 13th,he found a map."

"Wha--what kind of map?."

"He said,it might be a treasure map. He then told the police about it, particularly Siegfried's department but they didn't believed him. One of the culprits might overheard it and told their leader. Just yesterday, they beaten him up to his tent and they got away with the map."

"That's terrible. So do you have any idea on where this group of men possibly are?."

"Not yet,my men are still all over searching."


Kendall's POV

We are in our third destination, which is the cemetery. I don't even know why would Harry go to this place. I looked down to my phone.

"Fuck it great. Seriously?." I cursed.

"What?." Cara asked with a confused face.

"My battery just died. How on Earth would I even contact Harry now?."

"We'll charge it once we get back to the house, okay?."

"Okay. By the way,what made you think that Harry is here? He even hates seeing corpes and candles, it's impossible for him to go places like this." Now, I'm not in the mood anymore.

"How would I supposed to know? Am I his girlfriend? You are, right? So why didn't you just told me so?. Don't complain,you should be thankful that I'm helping a stranger like you." She said being sarcastic.

So I'm just a stranger for her now?

"I thought we're already friends and I'm just a stranger now? You know what? I don't fucking need your help Cara, since it's not your responsibility to help me--I'll search for him myself." I said and started walking away from her.

But she keeps on following me,

"I didn't mean it that way Ken--you are my friend. I'm sorry, it's just that--I'm plain stupid. And I apologise for that." I stopped. I turn my head to her. Oh those eyes. The eyes I couldn't resist. Cara, please Cara. Don't give me those fucking sincere eyes that could drown me anytime soon.

She's just looking at me.

I just ran towards her with a warm embrace.

"I'm sorry too for being such a bitch. I'm just a little bit worried about him. But even though we just met yesterday, you're still here to help me." I pulled away.

I know I'm such a cry baby and I didn't even noticed that I was already crying.

"Hey, it's okay. Don't cry baby. Don't worry, he'll be back soon." She said while wiping my tears.

A memory flashed back. The moment where Mom told us that dad will be back soon. But that didn't happen. I told Cara about it back at the mansion.

I am afraid that Harry wouldn't come back as well.

"I hope he would. Unlike dad."

"It's Harry,not your dad. I'm sure he'll be back."

With her smile. It gave me hope. Harry,where are you?

"I hope so."

"You should hope so. Because we don't know how the universe works,it might let you see him right this moment. We don't know. Just be a good girl."

I don't know. But I somehow smiled. She never fails to make me feel better.

We then went out to the cemetery.

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