Chapter Six: Let's Play Pretend

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Granddad's POV

I'm on the phone with Dalia, my friend Freddie's restaurant cashier.

Okay, I'll pay for her bill. Who is she with?

Oh a young man. Maybe her boyfriend--

"Oh so Nathaniel is already here--"  I told myself. Because he told me he's coming.

I thought about Kendall. Because they were supposed to be together.

Uhm--a girl? Is she also with a girl with them?

Negative sir. It's just the two of them.

Okay, thank you.

And I hung the phone.

"What did it say?." Bernard asked.

"Cara's safe with her boyfriend. But what's odd is Kendall is supposed to be with her. There's a possibility that they both escaped with the suspect."

"To make sure of that,we should further ask your granddaughter."

"But before that--where's my glasses?."

I've been searching for it since last night. And I still can't find it.

So we decided to go to Cara at the restaurant. Together with the other police.


Cara's POV

I'm done eating when I kinda saw granddad. I can't be wrong. And I knew it. It's him. With the fucking police department.

I looked at Kendall and she seems tensed.

We both stood up. I looked at her and held her hand.

"Cara, I'm scared." She whispered.

Then,I noticed something. The police held granddad towards us and slowly walked.

"Granddad's not wearing his glasses. Babe, it's time to play pretend."

"Wa--wait what?."

"Just go with the flow, we can handle this together."

They're already in front of us. Granddad gave one police money to pay for our food.

I smiled. And hugged granddad.

"I worried about you so much darling. And Nathaniel my man haha,you are indeed here like you said." He said that made me shocked for a second. Nathaniel's coming?!

I looked at Ken and whispered, "shake hands babe."

She did. But still shaking so she grabbed her hand fast.

"Your hands are a bit small,cold and--soft--" he said. Gosh help. I need some help.

"I--I'm a bit sick right now granddad--" Ken said trying to make her voice masculine as possible.

And I know this would turn out complicated.

I know that face of granddad. He seems so confused.

"That could be a thing. Well, I think we go finish talking to the car. By the way, where's Bernard?." Granddad said. As he started walking.

"Sorry about the mess." Ken whispered.

I held tightly to her hand. And mouthed "it would be fine."


Harry's POV

"I have to leave as soon as possible. Have you seen the posters all around? It has my face on it. I should have killed that asshole!."

"You can't just leave. You're already part of the deal. If you do any funny thing to escape,I would kill your lovely girlfriend in no time." A man named Ed said. He's the one who told me about the map. Which I have now. I never saw his face though, he's wearing a mask. I bet he's about 6'5 tall. A white man with Russian accent. For what he just said, it gave me reason to go on what I started. I can't just imagine life without Kendall.

"Okay okay, I'm working on it."

I have spent lots of time figuring out what the map indicates. What I got so far was the clue written which is the "odd" Street where we are right now. There are some sort of code that I still don't get. The marks X and O that are both inside these 6 boxes and 1 vertical rectangle. Gold. Yes,that is what these is all about.

But that's the problem, we still haven't found it yet. He needs me to solve this. I am not actually after the gold. I have money for a living. I'm only involved because of my terrible love for mystery. My friend Liam actually recommended me to this guy. And this Ed guy, he's the master mind alright.

We dig everywhere each night in this place even in the 2nd Street but still nothing.

Where could that gold possibly be? I also changed my haircut and placed some fake beard so that people would not recognize me. When I also heard that they're capturing the possible girls that could be Kendall because they thought she's an accomplice,I got so worried.


Kendall's POV

"As what I am saying--Cara, where's Kendall?." Her granddad said with a serious face. Cara then looked at me.

And I bet he noticed that look.

"She--she's home. Don't worry granddad, I'm pretty sure she's safe." Cara lied.

"Are you even aware that she's considered as an accomplice of a most wanted criminal?." He asked again.

"She--she's innocent." I said out of nowhere.

He looked at me with a straight face and all I could do is just look down. The police are looking at us here inside the car.

"Pardon me?." He said.

"Wha--what I mean is, I know her. Back in LA. We're childhood friends actually. And she's not that kind of person who gets involved with some sort of cases like this. Even Harry,her boyfriend. He could be framed by--"

I got interrupted when the car suddenly stopped. There's this man going out of his car. Walking towards us.

"Bernard, finally." Granddad said. Oh I like calling him that way.

So this big guy is Bernard. He's probably a police.

"I'm sorry for ditching sir. There's an emergency just now, another man has been attacked. And it leads on our very own favorite suspect." Bernard said.

Don't tell me Harry was also responsible with this. Unbelievable. Harry would never do such a thing.

I looked at Cara,she mouthed "Are you okay?." I just nodded. Harry why?

"What does he really want? I still don't get it. Is he gonna burn down the whole Street after? This makes no sense." Granddad said.

"Nobody knows. I hope not." Bernard responded.

"Let's talk later, I'll get back to the hospital as soon as these two got home." Granddad said and commanded the police to take us home.

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