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quote: "the biggest you can take is to live the life of your dreams," — oprah winfrey


WITH THE BOX IN my arms, I race towards my room, well technically Casper's room. I place the box on the bed and a small smile plants on my face. "I haven't been here in so long," Kat says she smiles brightly, walking towards me. I try not to be nasty towards the woman and I had to continually repeat that she was Casper's sort of friend over and over to stop myself from screaming words of hate for hurting Casper towards the woman. "Uhh yeah, I guess you haven't," I say, smiling also but I think she could tell my heart wasn't in it.

"You must be pretty exited about the festival." She says as she sits next to me on the bed, still way too nice to me. I was getting really bad vibes from this woman. "Yeah, I go every year," I say bluntly. I really don't want to be talking to her. "I once had a pretty sweet Halloween dance." She jokes. "Yeah, Casper told me and I could see in his eyes that he really wanted to 'keep you.'" I say adding quotation marks with my fingers.

She laughs, "but now he has eyes for someone else." She says seriously and a massive cat-like grin."No, Casper has made it pretty clear that we're just friends." I say, glaring softly at her. "No, he just doesn't want to hurt you because he's a ghost and you're alive. He just doesn't want you to feel how he felt. He has been boasting on about you since I came here." She says giving me a soft nudge on the shoulder. "Kat, how are you okay with this?" I ask, letting my hateful amour towards her deteriorate into thin air. "I've settled down and I've found someone. I have two children, two little boys. Casper has a spot in my heart, just it isn't the same as it was compared to him and you. I'm okay with that."

"Kat..." I start but I can't say anything. "You gave him something I could never give him. Being there. You were always there." She says truthfully. "You're lucky his uncles aren't back yet from the Party at the bar. I worked hard trying to get them out of the house." I say with pride. "I know this might be personal just where you this morning?" She asks. I smile rather sadly tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "I went to visit my dad and I went to the lighthouse."

"Doesn't your dad live with you and your mum Maryanne?" I swallow sharply before speaking to the woman. "He passed away two years ago," I say holding in the tears. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked like that I found it a pain when people asked me where my Mum was and all just... your so normal." I try not to chuckle. "So does living with four ghost's count?" I say returning her a grin. "I did so it does." She jokes, letting out a chuckle. "I thought you were having iced tea with my mum?" I say, folding my arms over my chest in annoyance.

"Nah, I'm a kid at heart. Just I can't play pirates anymore with Casper. I have a sore knee from old age." She says, acting like her knee was sore. She was faking it. "You should play, he will come up with a great nickname. I was black Kat. That's why I came up here to get you." My throat felt like sand paper as I managed to make out, "Okay."

"And you missed out on lunch." She says, Mother like. I don't want to get those one day, It really changes you into a worry wart. "Don't worry I have my own mother to worry." I joke, sending her a smile as I run out of the room. I pull out a sword from a knight statue, I used so much force to get it out of the statue I fell backwards. I recover quickly and get up. Then like it was planned Casper appears with a pirate hat and a patch over his right eye. He smiles that sweet and friendly grin that meant the world to me, "What's it gonna be my First Mate? The plank?" He chucks be a bandana, with the colours of red and blue.

"Alrighty Captain,' I'll let you choose," I say tying with great difficulty the bandana on my head. "Hey, Black Kat, aren't you gonna play?" Casper asks his old friend but she frowns stammering and excuse. "Sorry Guys, just I'm gonna help Maryanne with dinner." She has a lot of excuses and it made my blood boil how could she be like this to Casper? "She always used to play," Casper says sadly, speaking to me. "It's okay Casper, people change sometimes you can't stop them and she's an adult now anyway," I say. "Don't be chicken, are you afraid of me wining?" I ask pointing my sword at his ghostly neck.

"Never." Then before we know it we're knocking down furniture. Jumping over things, mainly me. Casper goes right through things. We just have fun. Like always. Casper holds the sword at my neck. "Mercy?" He asks smiling, knowing that he had won not knowing that I had just let him win. "Never." He pretends to kill me. "Blood, blood, death!" I exclaim, trying not to laugh and I knew that acting was out of the picture for me.

"Dinner!" My mother calls, smiling at us both from the bottom of the staircase. "Yeah, mum we are coming," I say leaning over the rail and handing the bandana to Casper. "May, Keep it. It suits you." He says placing it on my head, very careful for his own ghostly hands not to have contact with my skin and I try not to frown. "Hey, Casper just so you know, the pirate hat it suits you," I add with seriousness. He laughs in a slightly embarrassed manner stammering a thank you as he hovers beside me as we walk towards the kitchen.

We both sit across from one another both smiling bashfully. "Hats?" My mother peers at us inforcing manners. "Oh yeah." We say in union taking our hats off and placing them next to one another. Kat sits next Casper, my mother sits next to me, as they both smiles like something was a success to one another.

"We're back! Hey May!" Kat seemed surprised that they sort of like me. "CASPER GIVE US OUR MEALS!" Stretch complains. "Okay," Casper says peering at his now three seated uncles and watching Kat's expression it seemed that she didn't like the way Casper's uncle's was treating him. Casper gives them their meals, unfortunately, them being ghosts as they do not need to consume food it ends up on the floor, splattering like always.

"It's her," Stinkie whispers to Fatso, which clearly wasn't whispering as Stinkie could never not be quiet. "The bone-bag is Back!" Fasto says, his mouth dropping. "Kat where in the world have you been all these years! You're old!" Stretch asks and from his voice, he was complaining.

"I left to remember?" She says, "With my Dad?"

"Ohh yes, the day Casper was never himself again." One of them states bluntly, cutting down old wounds. "He looks fine to me," Kat says annoyed. "Yeah, he was until May came along, stupid fleshie," Fatso says sending her a death glare. "Well I'm sorry and I've already told him that."

"Guys stop it," I say, my eyes rather sad. "Have you ever thought of asking how Casper feels? Just once? You never listened to him? Did you?" I say meeting the Ghostly Trio's confused gazes. "Well that's nice because you didn't just hurt his feeling's, you hurt mine too. You're his uncles, his blood family. Treat him right! That is all I'll ever ask of you. And listen to me, don't blame Kat anymore. The past is the past."

"May?" Casper asks I send him a nod. "Have a lovely night. I have to be off now." I take my dish to the sink and then I was gone. Leaving has to be one of the hardest things I think I'll ever do, even leaving Casper for one night. I just wish, Casper's dream will come true. He deserves it. He deserves to live more than anyone and I wish that he was alive but that was impossible. And I know that for a fact. This is why I'm living for him too.

Edited: 24/08/2019

𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 ── CASPER McFADDENWhere stories live. Discover now