Chapter 01 - Michelle Ma Belle

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London, Monday, July 16.

Roger POV

Eight of the night and then depart to arrive in living my friend Kate. I called her today, saying it could talk to her because I needed to talk to her personally. Kate then said that I could and that she would make us dinner.

I arrive at eight o'clock sharp and Kate greets me cheerfully kissing me on the cheek. The complete her name is Katherine Lins Wood. Kate is Brazilian, is the daughter of a Brazilian mother and British father. My friend has dual citizenship.

- Good evening, Rog - said smiling Kate kissing me on the cheek and I io Smile back and hug.

"Good evening, my friend." I smile at her.

I put on the coffee table of the living room the New Musical Express magazine.

"Then I'll show you the report that came out on the band," he told her.

- Okay. Dinner is ready - she smiled - I prepared pasta and garlic oil with tuna, the way you like and will also open a bottle of wine.

"Thank you, Kate." I smile at her.

We went to the little kitchen of my friend's apartment. Kate and I had dinner. and talked about college. Kate is a student of English Language and Literature and I am a Biology student and studied at King's College. We have another year of college before we finish our studies. We are on vacation from college, which only comes back in September. Kate is an English teacher at a school for foreign languages, it also makes Spanish course, but his dream is to be a writer. Kate is writing her first book and intends to release it soon.

I'm already a student of biology, I'm doing internship in a school, working in a library and trying to be a famous musician with Queen.

"Dinner is tasty, Kate, thank you so much my friend." I smile at her.

"Thank you, now let's make a toast to the release of Queen's first album, which was successful," Kate said, raising her glass of wine and I lifted mine.

We toasted and then had the wine, but remained thoughtful and concerned.

- Rog, what happened? I'm finding you a little thoughtful, is everything okay? Josephine and you quarreled? - asked my friend taking the wine.

- Jo and I are fine. - Said taking my wine - But there is something else bothering me and Kate made me very upset all day long.

- What my friend? What happened? - She asked. "I demand to know what's going on to make him so upset."

"Follow me into the living room, Kate," he told her.

Kate and I went back to the living room and picked up the New Musical Express magazine, which is open on page 14 and handed it to her.

"Please, Kate, read the article, my friend." I said a little irritably, sipping wine and looked at her.

Kate picked up the magazine and began reading the article that read:

'' The first album of the British band Queen Glam Rock finally been released, after so many efforts, the Trident Studios, the album is the 32nd. In the UK so far, however, the album does not excite, has not cançõe s amazing, it's more of the same, an entirely devoid of intelligence album of the four members of the band. It's a bucket of urine. "

I looked at Kate who looked at me in pain.

"Rog, I'm really, really sorry that New Musical Express magazine has published that. - Kate said sad looking at me.

- Why Kate? Fuck, is Queen's album so bad? - He said angry and annoyed - Will we ever be able to be a band known worldwide? The boys were very hurt when they read the article today and I'm very upset too. We are upset with the press in general, the music press. I think Queen's relationship with the press in general will be terrible.

"Rog, the boys and you can not be discouraged." The album was released on Friday. Take some time to see if the album will sell out much more and see if the press will post anything positive about the album. Time out magazine for example, praised you, saying it was a shocking and dynamic debut. My friend, for God's sake do not get discouraged, just like Freddie, Bri and John. Kate said to me.

"I will not give up on Kate," I told her. "I even know there are some press people who have praised the band, but most offends and the biggest music magazine in England, New Musical Express, they publish that, they humiliated us, they really humiliated . He said, running his hand over his face and sighing. "What's the use of the band having signed a contract with Trident in March of that year of £ 400,000 if the press speaks ill of us all. That's what I wanted to talk to you about, to vent, I'm very sad. And the worst is the signature of this mysterious columnist who uses the pseudonym of Michelle Ma Belle, referring to a song by The Beatles.

- Rog, you should not worry about this mysterious woman Michelle Ma Belle. It's an interesting pseudonym, after all it has a Beatles song name, it might be that it's a fan of the Fab Four, but please, do not mind what she wrote. - Kate said. "Her opinion does not matter. Queen is starting a great career now and you guys will be a world-known band, you do not care about this girl and her opinions.

- Kate happens that this mysterious Michelle Ma Belle has written other articles for magazines, newspapers, criticizing Queen, long before the album's release, that is, she has been with us for some time, when the band performs at Imperial College, British pubs , at King's College at the Marquee Club in December of last year. Her critique of the Marquee Club show was acidic, destructive about the band. He said irritably enough to scream. "The boys and I want to find out who this Michelle Ma Belle is.

- Rog, the file may have been destructive, but, this did not decrease the number of fans of the band, on the contrary, only increased, the effect of these articles was the opposite. And you often prove that you are a great talent band and that it makes the difference. As long as the music press hates Queen, more fans will have you. The number of fan clubs in the band is increasing. - Kate said looking at me.

"My friend, thank you very much for your words, but I'm still very upset about this article." At this moment Kate hugs me and I lean my head on her shoulder. "Will Queen never be a great band? The boys and I fight a lot, every day for this to happen.

"Of course you guys will be a great band, Rog, you are already," Kate said, looking at me with a smile. "Count on me always, my friend, you'll always have my support and the other boys too. And please, does not get upset, give a smile, everything will improve with time, have faith and be strong, to face everything Rog.

"You're right, Kate. And on the day that Queen do success and is famous, Freddie, Brian, Deacy and I will process this mysterious pseudonym journalist Michelle Ma Belle. She will pay and swallow every self-destructive word she has spoken and talk about Queen. I hate journalists in general, my friend. I said looking at Kate.

"It will all work out, Rog, and he will not sue anyone now, he'll think about taking care of himself and fighting for Queen," Kate said.

"I know, my friend, but my revenge for Michelle Ma Belle will come on time, you'll see," he said angrily, hugging Kate.

Kate, my mother, my sister Clare may even ask, humiliate themselves so I give up knowing who this journalist who is detonating Queen is.

Michelle Ma Belle to wait for me.

To be continued...

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