Sara was at the gay library for gay furrys because they had knowledge of spells and shit. She had flipped through all the books but all she could find was gay furry porn. Seung spotted a book and took a bird shit on Sara's book so he'd get her attention. Sara ignored her bird boyfriend and proceeded to turn the page like the dumb ass she was. Meanwhile Otabek and JJ were fighting over who got to have sex with Yurio. They decided to make a compromise and have a threesome. It was very sexual and furry. Meanwhile Viktor was being very gay and stupid with Yuuri. He cut his palm making blood spray all over. "Blood bond my fair lady!!!" Stupid Viktor said. "Oh shit I can't take it anymore baby you make so horny" he sucked Viktor's blood from his dick and they had blood sex. Meanwhile Sara finally found the book. "My gosh!!! Thank you Seung!!! I'd blow you but we're in public and you're a bird. She said