wOo StOrY tImE

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Okay I have a wonderful story to tell y'all, so sit back, grab some blood-I mean popcorn and enjoy.

So while walking out of school there were these two guys walking next to me. Nothing wrong with that as there's a lot of people in the school and they were walking a respectable distance away. But then I heard one say, "Oh I'm emo too," to his friend.

Now he may have said this as like a joke because I have this edgy emo appearance but I'm also a huge otaku so I have a Bananya backpack. Pastel banana cats and emo clothes together. That may be a factor in this happening.

But his friend, says something perfectly normal, "Hey can I join?" and I was pretty sure they were talking about/to me, but just to be sure I responded with the classic, "Hm?" and he clarified, "Can I be emo too?"

Being the kind (yeah you wish) nerd I am I just said, "Sure! Just listen to My Chemical Romance and set yourself free!" but then. But then that bitch (excuse my language) said, "But don't I have to slit my wrists first? Oh, and you should too."

I just stared at the little shit (once again excuse me) with this dumbfounded expression, like BITCH (sorry) YOU DO NOT JUST SAY THAT TO SOMEONE LIKE GEESUS HAVE YOU ANY FORM OF HUMAN DECENCY?! JUDGING BY WHAT YOU SAID I DON'T REALLY THINK YOU DO!

I'm sorry this is so long and I'd be surprised if you made it this far. But please, do anyone reading this, please don't ever say something like that to anyone, no matter who. Please....just...........just don't....

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