I dare Kristoff to take some flowers to Anna Pitch_Perfect_Beca14
Rapunzel: Aww!
Elsa: After all the nice things Anna has done for me and Jack, I'm glad this happened.
Eugene: Where is Anna, anyway?
Hiccup: I don't know.
Merida: Out frolicking somewhere.
Jack: Probably.
Suddenly Anna frolics in
Merida: Called it.
Anna: Hey guys! What's up? Any dares?
Rapunzel: Y-
Jelsa: No.
Elsa: Not yet, anyway.
Anna shrugs and walks over to the kitchen before grabbing some chocolate and running out
Elsa: Okay, let's go tell Kristoff.
Everyone walks outside, stopping to chat with everyone every few seconds
Merida: This'll take forever at Ye right were going!
Jack grins and flies above, guiding everyone towards Kristoff who is with Sven and Olaf
Olaf: Elsa!
Olaf waddles over and everyone hugs him, even Merida
Hiccup: I didn't know you were the hugging type.
Merida: What? He's a talking snowman. Ye have to love him.
Elsa: Kristoff, as you know, readers and fans have been asking us question or giving us dares.
Kristoff: Yeah, Anna told me. Congratulations on you and Jack, by the way
Jack: Thanks!
Rapunzel: But you got a dare!
Kristoff: *In Sven's Voice* Gee, we haven't had one yet!
Kristoff: What is it?
Elsa: You only need to give flowers to Anna.
Kristoff: Oh, that's easy.
Kristoff picks out a bunch of flowers from his Sled
Kristoff: I was going to anyway.
Eugene: Coincidence.
Kristoff waves and Sven pulls the Sleigh along towards the Palace
Rapunzel: Let's go listen in!
Jack takes Elsa's hand, Elsa takes Rapunzel's, Rapunzel takes Eugene and Hiccup and Merida take Toothless as they all fly back towards the Palace
Jack lands followed by Toothless and runs inside before leaping on the couch. Elsa, Rapunzel and Hiccup walk up to the room next to Anna's and listen in with a cup against the Wall
*knock knock*
Anna: Come in!
The sound of Kristoff walking in echoes into the next room as the door closes
Kristoff: Anna, Sven and I got some flowers for you.
Anna: Aw, thank you! There so sweet!
Kristoff: *in Sven's voice* So are you!
Anna and Kristoff laugh before walking downstairs together
Elsa, Rapunzel and Hiccup: Ask and Dare us!
Ask or Dare the Big Seven: Private
ФанфикAsk or dare Elsa, Anna, Rapunzel, Eugene, Jack Frost, Merida and Hiccup. This is Private, so only the people I have invited are allowed to ask or dare, please don't ask if I haven't invited you.