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Carmen sits looking at the gun, filled bullets. She sat all night watching YouTube tutorials on how to load a gun with bullets, and how to fire a firearm. Carmen sits there still. With tears in her blue eyes. Hatred in her eyes. Hatred against the world. Hatred against everyone for manipulating her. She was everyone's fool. Everyone's plaything. But at that moment, she'd change into a demon.

"Carmen!" her mother screams from the kitchen.

"Carmen, come down stairs!" Carmen stashes the gun down her pants.

"Carmen, your grades have dropped, you are cutting classes, why, every time I pray to God for a perfect child, but I get crap from you, you useless thing, slut, whore," Carmen anger builds up higher as the insults grow.

Her fingers grip tightly on the handle of the gun.

"You are just nothing and you'll stay nothing, but a useless piece of crap!" Carmen's eyes well up.

She points the gun to her mother's face. Her finger pushes against the trigger. Her mother's eyes releases a waterfall of tears. Carmen's innocent eyes become corrupt. Her mother reaches for the gun her hand. Bang! It goes.

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