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"Every night, I feel alone in this bed" he whispers in her ear, "I feel like I'm lost in an abyss of nothing" Lolita traces her fingers on his chest.

"I wish this moment could never end" she replies staring at the ceiling, "What if we runaway to Veracruz, we can live the way we always wanted to" she kisses his chest.

He pushes her off, "No, I don't if my family will be that happy about our union" he whines.

She crawls over to his side to give him a kiss on his back, "Well, they don't have to know about me" she continues kissing him.

"Put your clothes back on" he sternly dictates, getting up from the bed. A tear falls on the sheet.

Lolita goes and picks up her clothes, when she sees something that crushes her soul.

Missed call from 0812795623

That was Monica's number. Once again Lolita feels lonely. Like know one cares about what she's feeling. Neither him or her mom. All her friends are just fake. All the compliments she's gotten were lies, so she could favors for them, the name she those who have manipulated her in the past. She was alone.

Lolita (Case Study of a Nymphet) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now