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Lolita heads for the apartment building with the gun in her hands. She wears the same lipstick. Same outfit she wore last night. The secretary glances up from her Drum magazine, to see the very sight of Lolita with a gun in her hand. Soulless her eyes remain. A red smile painted on her face.

"Carmen, Carmen, doesn't have a problem, lying to herself, cause her liquor top shelf" she soothes her.

She skips into the same elevator she came in many times. She presses on the same button. The elevator rises up to the same floor. She walks to the same door. But goes for a different reason, other than for daily her daily routine. That night she goes up to kill. She knocks on the exact. The exact same person opens the same door.

"Babe!" he says making the exact same smile. He's topless. He was with her. "You were with Monica, weren't you," she says staring down at the floor of his house at a little black dress.

"Yeah, she was at a nightclub, she got drunk and I had to act like the older brother I am" he says scratching his head.

Older brother? "Monica is your sister," she says confused. That explained why the phone call. The family ski trip picture. They were siblings, "So is your aunt fine," he asks.

"Yeah" she replies, "So did you to those therapy sessions that I told you to go on" he asks.

"Yeah, I'm still reeling from my parents death, my stepmom on the other hand is still an oozing bitch"

"Hey! Sisi, give me the gun!" a security guard demands, "What, my purse?" she takes out a gun shaped purse, it was a specially designed purse. "Oh, sorry sisi".

"Its okay" she says, "Oh, the secretary also asked if you stop making noise, she's always making a phone call at eight" the security guard informs.

"Well, can you tell the security guard to stop watching YouTube videos on the job, because I saw her watching a video, when I got out of the apartment building" she mummers.

Lolita than heard her phone ringing from inside her bag. It was an unknown number.

"Um is this Dolores Haze" a male answers on the other line. "Yes, you are..." she replies, "This is detective Masinga, I'm here to inform you that your sister, Carmen Haze murdered her mother, Norma Haze, who is your stepmother, I'm very..." Lolita ends the call, than drops the phone.


Lolita (Case Study of a Nymphet) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now