fourteen: soft

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"So your company doesn't know?"Jimin asked, crossing his arms on his chest, "Even  the rest of BTS?"

Yoongi nodded, "Yeah."

Jimin gave him a mask earlier, so Yoongi isn't trying hard not to be seen anymore. Jae just silently ate chocoballs beside Yoongi.

"Jae, let's go."Mrs. Min said, and then Jae nodded, as he followed his grandparents outside. "Bye, Jae!"I waved. Jae smiled, and waved as they left.

"Ah, I just knew a really exclusive secret of a popular idol."Jimin said, and sighed. He patted Yoongi's shoulder, "You hid that secret really well.. No wonder why Jae really looks like you..."

"What if they'll find out?"Jimin asked.

"I don't know what will happen. But I'm sure that it's not good."Yoongi said, and ate another chocoball. Yoongi removed his mask, since mom closed the shop for a moment, so there are no costumers at this time.

"Gosh, Minji. Did you just influence him with this chocoball madness?"Jimin asked, and I shrugged, "Maybe." I laughed.

"HELLOOOOO MINJI!!!"Taehyung suddenly crashed in the shop, and hugged me, and lifted me up the ground. Yoongi's eyebrow raised a bit. "Er... Taehyung."I said pushing him a bit, "What?" Taehyung asked, putting me down. He noticed that I'm looking at Yoongi, so he looked at Yoongi, and Yoongi looked away.

"Oh my god." Taehyung exclaimed, "It's Suga from BTS!"

I can hear Yoongi cursing in his mind.

I just laughed silently.

"Can I take a picture? Autograph? My girlfriend and her brother really likes BTS." Taehyung said, "Ah, thanks."Yoongi said.

"Oh, that famous idol group? Yoongi is a member?"Mom said, entering the conversation, "Oh my gosh, I didn't know that! So Jae is secretly the son of a really famous idol?"

Taehyung's eyes widened.

Can things get any more worse?

"So guys, please. Let's keep Yoongi's secret or else his career will disappear. "I said, which made Taehyung, Jimin, and my mother nod. Dad suddenly entered the scene, "You heard that, Haerin. Shush your mouth about it."

Mom sighed,"But-""Shut about it or else you'll not be getting anything for 365 nights." "Okay."Mom nodded.

How can the both of them talk about their sex schedule in public?

I realized that they're my parents so it's normal for them. I went beside Yoongi, "Please excuse my parents." I mumbled, and Yoongi just chuckled.

"Anyway, thanks for the treat.."Yoongi stuffed a chocoball in his mouth, as he smiled. He ruffled my hair, "Enjoy your day off."

"It's only for a day, though."I mumbled.

"Yeah, you're coming back home later, alright? I'll be lonely inside the unit if you'll not come by."He pinched my cheeks,"Bye, chipmunk." he said and then left.

When Yoongi already left the store, Taehyung and Jimin "Woaaaah"-ed. "How can you survive that?"Jimin asked. I "pshh"-ed and stuffed a chocoball in my mouth.  "Ah, I just can't believe it." Taehyung said, "No wonder why Jae looks like him." "Same thoughts."Jimin laughed, as he went up to our house.

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