twenty three: forgive

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As I was just casually watching One Piece on my bed in my own room while eating chocoballs in a rainy Sunday morning, someone crashed in my room, which disrupted me from watching the animated show that I'm currently streaming. I removed my earphones, and stared at Cheonkook and Taehyung, who looked at me with wide eyes and with shocked expression painted on their faces.

"What?"I asked nonchalantly.

"Did you just quit working for Yoongi?" Cheonkook asked, and when I heard that asshole's name, my teeth gritted. "Yeah." I managed to speak out.

It has been two days since that incident, and I've been so bitter at everything in my life. No matter how many sweet chocoballs I had consumed that I might get overdosed with chocoballs, (if it is such a thing), I'm still very bitter about Min Yoongi and his irresponsible ass that I avoided any contact with people that is not my relative.

Cheonkook and Taehyung looked at each other with worried looks on their faces for a second, and then Taehyung looked at me, "H-How about Jae?" he asks, "No one is gonna look out for Jae."
"Yoongi will handle him. He's his son.Why do I care? Am I Jae's nanny?"I asked, as I placed my earphones back in my ears and resumed on watching One Piece.

Cheonkook sat on my bed, right beside me, "Have you read all the articles that has been going around?" she asked, and I shook my head. "Everybody has been hating on Yoongi now for dumping you like that."She continued, "He is in so much stress at the moment, and Jae's surgery still hasn't started. We're also not sure if he'll survive that."

I paused the anime that I've been watching by slamming my fingers on the space bar of my laptop with such force, and I clicked my tongue in annoyance as I removed my earphones, "Look, Cheonkook."I said,"I really do appreciate it that the two of you spent your precious time to go here and to talk to me. But why would I care about someone's life when that someone doesn't even care about me?" I said, and Cheonkook just bit her lower lip.

"I got tired of him just using me if he's bored. I got tired of standing up as a parent to Jae when he cannot even do that himself. He's an idol, I know. But won't he try to reach out to his own son without even using anyone but his own willingness and his own self?"I added. Silence filled the room, only the sound of the heavy rain and the horns of cars outside are heard.

I sighed, "If you just came here to talk about Yoongi, then you may leave. I don't waste my time on people not even worth talking about." I said, plugging my earphones back in my ears, and resumed on watching the animated show, not caring about the world.

"Unnie, you deserve better."

"We cannot blame her if she's mad at Yoongi, she has every right to."

"Did you see that girl who kissed him right in front of her? What a bitch. I feel so bad for Minji."

I sighed, as I scrolled down on the comments in an article about my breakup with Yoongi. Well, we didn't actually break up since we were never together in the first place. I just got curious on what's happening around.

Someone knocked on the door. I groaned, "If you're gonna talk about Yoongi or Jae and try to let my conscience swallow my pride, then no thanks. I'll not go out of my room."I said, and wrapped myself around my blanket, closing my eyes.

"Seokjin is downstairs."

I heard mom said behind the door, and my eyes shot open. I immediately jumped out of my bed and dashed out of my room and went downstairs at the candy shop, my hair is still in a really messy bun and I look like I just woke up. I didn't care, though. Seokjin is here, and that somehow made me feel better.

He was sitting on a sofa, sipping on an espresso, looking like the handsome man he is. When he noticed me, he waved at me and smiled. I sat across him with a giddy smile on my face, "What brings you here?"

"I'm just asking on how are you doing." He said, "Are you feeling better now?" he asked, concerned. I nodded, "I'm fine, what are you talking about?" I laughed, and leaned on the chair, "But thank you, though. For that night.." "Oh, that's nothing." Seokjin smiled, "I just noticed you inside that club so I followed you out."

I just pursed my lips, as I just stared at Seokjin, admiring his features. Seokjin might've noticed what I'm doing, so he just laughed, which snapped me out of my trance, "I know I'm too handsome. You have to pay 500 won every minute you stare at this kind of face."Seokjin said proudly, and I raised an eyebrow, "I'm not staring at you. Don't assume too much."

"Whatever."Seokjin said, and sighed, which made the mood kind of serious between us, "I know you don't like talking about this, but Minji, would you ever forgive Yoongi?"

My smile melted into a serious one, "Even you?" I laughed sarcastically, "I don't waste my time talking about people not worth my time. " I clicked my tongue, stood up, and was about to leave when Seokjin took a grip on my wrist, making me face him, "If you hold a grudge against someone, it doesn't make you stong. It just makes you bitter, Minji."

"How can I forgive him when he didn't even apologize for what he has done?"I asked, swatted my hand away from Seokjin's grip, turned my back, and was about to walk away when I felt Seokjin stood up from his seat, "You wouldn't feel that bitterness in you heart again if you learned to accept the apology that you never got from Yoongi, Minji." he said, and I stopped on my tracks.

"I know Yoongi did wrong, and I know that you have the right to be mad, but think about those times when you felt like a mother to Jae."Seokjin said, and I turned to face him, my face painted in shock, "How did you know about Jae being related to Yoongi?"

Seokjin pretended he didn't hear what I just told him, "If you're mad at Yoongi, then don't let that hatred affect Jae. He's out of this. And he needs you at this very moment, because you are the only one who stood up as a mother to him, Park Minji."

I was silent for a moment,

"You surely do know how to make me go back to that goddamn hospital, Seokjin." I laughed, and I saw Seokjin grinned.



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