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Morgan lay in bed next to warren, he was fast asleep ever since Mercedes ad Paul got engaged Morgan couldn't help but worry. She felt uneasy. off edge, she knew that there was something about him, she knew he was bad news and she felt lie she was going crazy. Paul knew that Morgan was onto him, he was watching her closely, he didn't want it risk loosing Mercedes even if it meant shutting Morgan up for good. Morgan didn't feel save being alone in the house with him. She knew that Madison was due to return from Spain from visiting Jacqui soon and Morgan couldn't wait to see her cousin. She knew that Madison would believe her, she would believe just how dodgy he was. Morgan stood from the bed and grabbed one of warrens shirts and wrapped it around her. She walked into the kitchen and flipped the kettle on as she ran her hands through her hair. The sleeves of warrens shorts rolled down over her arms. Morgan looked to the clock to see that it was just past six in the morning. She knew that she wasn't a early morning person and it was the middle of the night for her.

Warren walked up and frowned as he saw that Morgan wasn't in bed with him. He sighed and grabbed his boxers from the floor which was in a pile of discharged clothes on the floor. He walked into the kitchen and smiled to Morgan "you up early" he said as he walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her. She smiled and leant into his touch "i couldn't sleep" she said as he kissed her cheek "loo, I know your worried about Paul, but I will sort it trust me. Id do anything for you" warren said as she turned to face him. She placed  a hand on his cheek and smiled "i love you Morgan, I love you more than anything and no one is going to hurt you" he said as he pulled her close "i love you too" Morgan said.


Morgan sighed as she walked through the village with Madison as she got back from Spain "so, how was Spain?" "beautiful, I forget why I even moved here" Madison said "isn't it simple, to visit me since you missed me so much" Morgan said as Madison rolled her eyes "you wish" she said as Morgan smirked. Her phone buzzed from her pocket and she sighed "is it warren?" Madison asked "no, he has a meeting at the club" Morgan said as she answered it. It was Mercedes "what happened?" Morgan asked as she started to cry down the phone "he iled her, Lindsay" Mercedes said as Morgan felt pale. She knew that she and Mercedes didn't have the best relationship but Mercedes was still her mother "im on my way" Morgan said as she hung up the phone "what's going on?" Madison asked "mum...apparently Paul killed Lindsay and she thinks hes in the house, I have to go" Morgan said "like hell, im coming with you"


Morgan and Madison headed back to the house and they glanced to each other as they saw that the back door was open. Morgan grabbed a shovel by the door "what are you doing?" Madison asked "the great north run? what does it look like, you and i  know what hes like, he could have a weapon and im going to be prepared" Morgan said "its safe to say who your boyfriend is" Madison said as Morgan walked into the house. They sneaked into the kitchen as Morgan saw Paul who was on top of Mercedes. He had his hands around her neck. Morgan hit him over the head and he flopped. Mercedes pushed him off of her and gasped for air "are you okay?" Morgan asked as Mercedes rubbed her neck and nodded.

The three of them looked to Paul who lay lifeless on the floor "morg, what did you do?" Madison asked as Morgan bent down trying to feel for a pulse. She paled "is he?" Mercedes asked "I...I killed him" Morgan said as she dropped the shovel and fell back to the floor in utter shock. She had killed him. She was a murderer and didn't know how she would life with that.

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