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Morgan sat in the hospital as she attended chemotherapy. It was taking it out of her. Morgan looked and smiled as she saw saw warren as he walked in. She smiled slightly as he sat next to her

"I got you some water, how is it going ?" He asked

"get me a bowl I'm going to be sick" she said as warren grabbed the basin off fo the side and honed it to Morgan as she started to throw up. Warren looked to Morgan as he rubbed her back. He frowned as he saw her hair that was falling out. Morgan grande as she rested her head back and frowned as she saw her hair in his hand.

She felt the tears in her eyes as she ran a hand through her hair as she saw the hair that was falling out. She felt as tears roll down her cheek as warren placed a hand on her arm and smiled

"hey, it's just hair. It will grow back" he said as Morgan smiled as looked to the hair

"it's funny, I didn't know I was that vain but I always loved my hair" Morgan said as warren smiled

"it's going to be okay, you are strong. Your Morgan McQueen and it's going to be, you are going to fight this, your hair will grow back and toy will defeat this cancer and we will get married" warren said as Morgan smiled

Morgan took a hold of warrens hand and smiled "Im scare, what if I'm not. What if I don't get to see our little girl grow up" Morgan said as warren smiled

"that's rubbish as I know that you will, I know that it will be okay. You just need to have some faith in yourself like I do" warren said as Morgan looked to him and smiled "

and you, you promise that you are going no where?" She asked as he sat next to her

"I am here by your side, I have no interest and being anywhere else with you and I know that this isn't going to be okay but I am here and I am not going to loose you, not to this deadly disease" warren said as Morgan looked of her with tears in her eyes. She was scared

"and if I loose all my hair, you will still found me attractive" Morgan asked as warren chuckled

"Morgan, you are hot as ever, I will always find you hot hair or hot and I didn't fall in love with you for your hair, I didn't ask you to marry me for the hair, it doesn't matter and it will grow back eventually. You just need to be as strong as I know that you are" warren said as Morgan smiled

"I love you"

"I love you too" warren said as he kissed her hand and smiled

Morgan sighed to herself as she sat in the McQueen house as she sat with Mercedes as Madison walked in. Madison looked to her cousin and smiled

"hey, are you okay?" Madison asked as Morgan smiled

"tired but I'm fine" Morgan said as Madison sat next to her

"are you sure, you just seem off" Madison said as Morgan sat picking at her nails and sighed "it's stupid but my hair is falling out, the chemotherapy is getting to me and I feel so ugly and disgusting now, I feel so self conscious" Morgan said as Madison smiled

"your going through a lot, your body is going through a lot it's natural to be self conscious but your beauty doesn't define you and I still think you are as beautiful as ever. Warren is still going to love you no matter what you look like, trust me I know that he is" Madison said as Morgan smiled.

Morgan couldn't help but feel weak and self conscious about herself and how she felt. She couldn't help but have doubts over the cancer, she was scared that the treatment was too late because she wanted to have her baby, she was scared that she was going to die

Morgan sat in the flat as warren came in. He had been to see grace. Morgan looked to Warren and smiled. She felt guilty that she couldn't see Gracie but it was the risk of infection and for the best

"how is she?" She asked as warren smiled

"she's great, she's strong she's a fox and McQueen she's made of tough things" he said as Morgan wiped the tears away from her face. Warren noticed and smiled as he walked over to her and wrapped an arm around her and smiled

"I know that you hate this but you can see her soon, it's all going to be okay I promise" he said as he kissed the top of her ends and smiled. He knew he had to be the strong one for Morgan, for his family.

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