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Morgan couldn't breathe. She couldn’t believe what she had done. She had taken away someone's life, and she had to live with that, even if it was his life and even if he was a monster. "I'm a murderer, I'm going to go to jail" morgan said as she freaked out. She looked to the blood on her hands as she started to panic. She felt as if she couldn’t breathe and Mercedes noticed it. She walked over to morgan and placed her hands on her shoulder and smiled at her slightly "you are not a killer morgan, it was self-defence, he would of killed me if you didn’t come in and if you didn’t hit him, he could of turned on you both, he is a killer, he killed Lindsay and he's a monster, go and get a shower and leave me and Madison to deal with this" Mercy said as morgan started to cry. Mercy smiled to her slightly "it will be fine, trust me" mercy said as morgan nodded as she walked up to the bathroom to shower.

Madison looked to Mercedes and sighed "what are we going to do?" She asked as she looked to the body. Mercedes sighed. She knew morgan needed to know as least as you could about it as possible, she wasn’t stable, she knew that "we need to get rid of the body, and morgan can't know a thing" mercy said as Madison frowned "is that wise?" Madison asked as mercy looked to Madison "you see how she is, she'll land us all in jail" mercy said as she bend down by the deal body "and he isn't worth it" She said as Madison nodded. "morgan is a mess" Madison said as mercy nodded agreeing "the less she knows the better" mercy said as she grabbed her phone and called warren, she knew he would know what to do and he would do what he could if it meant protecting morgan."what are you doing?" Madison asked "calling warren, he will know what to do and will protect morgan the most out of all of us" mercy said as Madison nodded.


Warren stood in the living room as he looked at the body "morgan did his?" He asked as mercy nodded. Warren sighed and ran a hand through his hair as he grabbed his phone "don't move this, don't touch the body okay, I have someone who will deal with it, he owes me a favour. The less morgan knows the better" warren said as he walked off to make the call. Madison stood and looked to mercy "is it wise getting warren involved?" She asked mercy "who do you suggest me call, myra?" Mercy said as Madison sighed as warren walked back in the room "where is morgan" he asked as mercy and Madison sighed "in the shower, think she's trying to drowned herself" Madison said as warren nodded and walked off upstairs to find his girlfriend.

Warren walked into the bathroom "morgan?" He called as he looked ot her as she sat on the shower floor. She was still fully clothed. He walked over to her as she was crying, sobbing "im a killer" she said as he smiled "it's okay" he said as she looked to him. She wiped the tears from her face "how?" She asked "I love you, and I'm here to take care of you, nothing bad is going to happen to you, I won't let it" warren said as morgan pulled her knees to her chest. Warren placed a hand on top of hers "I promise, it's going to be okay" he said as she nodded. He stood in the shower with her, his clothes sticking to his skin. He pulled morgan to her feet and grabbed a sponge "let's get you cleaned up, yeah" he said as she nodded silently. He cleaned the blood from her hands and placed a hand on her cheek as she started to sob "it's okay, I'll look after you" warren said as he held her to his chest as she sobbed. Warren vowed he wasn’t going to let anything bad happen to morgan.

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