Bendy and The Gang-Quest For The Ink( part 3)

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Bendy was lying there alseep with boris while felix was making his book,Felix" Where should i start*sigh* i need some sleep" Felix gets his sleepying bag and lays it on the floor and went to sleep. In the moring , the sun was shining on Bendy's face cuddling the pillow then heard a pounce on the bed.Bendy" *laughing* Boris! what are u doing right beside me bro?" Boris was wagging his tail. Boris"ITS MICKEY MOUSE CONCERT Today! i really wann go!" Bendy smiles and looks over at felix sleeping in his slepping bag. Felix" *snores* " Bendy" Hey bro! wanna come to this concert with use Mr. who again?"Boris"*shaking Felix arm* wake up?"Felix*Yawns* sorry that i was still alsleep but how are you kiddo?"Bendy"oki i guess but whats your name sir?"Boris  was packing up there stuff to the Mickey's Concert.Felix" The name is Mr.Felix , but you can call me just Felix"Bendy" im Bendy and thats boris."Felix "Can i talk to you over here?"Bendy nodded and walk with Felix.Felix" Bendy.....are u sure because that illness with stay there you know that?"Bendy was look down and sigh , Bendy" oki yeah i know but its know of your business!*walks away*". Felix wanted to make sure that bendy wouldn't hide it from anyone. Boris"All set!"Bendy"Oki little bro , *shouting* COME Felix!" Felix walk right behind them.At The mickey Concert they was Mickey , donald ,ozzy and his kids also There was all these fans all aorund them. Donald" Ladys and gentlemen the show is all about Mickey And the little performers!Thank you ." Boris was so happy his tail woudn't stop wagging,Bendy"well someone is so happy".Boris" Yes! ^3^!" Mickey was on stage and  Ozzys kids where there too and they sang and dance and brois and them where having so much fun, When it was over Boris ran over to Mickey. Mickey; hello there would you want something." Boris was fricking out but bendy came. Bendy" he just wants a ordergraph mickey." Mickey" whats your name....*writing*"Boris" B-boris 0////0" Bendy"UGHHHHHHH.

Mickey" Oh My Goodness!!!" Boris" Oh No! Bendy Hnag in there!"Bendy was coughing up ink really bad

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Mickey" Oh My Goodness!!!" Boris" Oh No! Bendy Hnag in there!"Bendy was coughing up ink really bad .

Mickey" Oh My Goodness!!!" Boris" Oh No! Bendy Hnag in there!"Bendy was coughing up ink really bad

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Ozzy"......*shaking*" Little bunny one" papa......." Boris was holding on to bendy whiel Mickey was getting somehelp.Mickey" Bring him over here....Quick!".But ozzy had a thought that was his wife.

But ozzy had a thought that was his wife

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Bendy and The gang- Quest For The Ink( part 1)Where stories live. Discover now