Diana's & Emeraude's Baby-Shower

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@Diana Adelaide Toubia Celebrating today my sisters Emeraude and i baby-shower look how cute we look

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@Diana Adelaide Toubia
Celebrating today my sisters Emeraude and i baby-shower look how cute we look.
@EmeraudeToubia aw we look cute and im so ready to meet my little bundle of joy 👶🏻👶🏻
After posting the picture me and the girls were inside waiting for the guest that were arriving so me and my sister walked out to see that the pool was decorated with pink and blue balloons to say that this is also a gender reveal baby shower so ill be posting something on my Instagram

 @Diana Adelaide Toubia I wonder what you are but mommy and daddy are ready to meet you my dear little one i love you so much my little baby 👶🏻When all of the guest arrived we all sat down and ate something we opened the presents and now it was ...

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 @Diana Adelaide Toubia
I wonder what you are but mommy and daddy are ready to meet you my dear little one i love you so much my little baby 👶🏻
When all of the guest arrived we all sat down and ate something we opened the presents and now it was time to reveal the gender of the babies so me and my sister walked to the boys and the boys embraced us when my sister and prince screamed that they were having a boy and now it was my and matts turn to scream so at the count of 3 we screamed we are having a girl .
Everybody cheered and hugged us while me and my sister embraced each other and cried.
@Emeraude Sophia Toubia im having a boy you guys 👶🏻

@Emeraude Sophia Toubia im having a boy you guys 👶🏻

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@Diana Adelaide Toubia im having a baby girl 👧🏻

@Diana Adelaide Toubia im having a baby girl 👧🏻

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