Part 7

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It's been 3 weeks since I left Konoha, since I left my family to join the war and live my dream.

But damn, who knew the journey was gonna be this hard?

I knew that by now, dad must've sent the ANBU to look for me and take me back. I sensed their chakra moving across the small feudal villages about a while ago.

I was just eating my last cup of ramen before going to the Hidden Grass Village. I heard that dad is settling a shinobi camp for the war so I have to make my way to get in.

But how? I'm not registered as a Leaf ninja, neither as an ANBU...Hell I don't even have a new name!

"A girl like you shouldn't be alone in these lands" said a man's voice I didn't recognized so I frozed. Was it an ANBU? Did they already found me? Is this how my dream will end?

I slowly put down my ramen cup and stood up to face him. My blue eyes meeting his dark brown ones. "Care to tell me why, sir?"

He was tall and muscular. It was obvious that he was a ninja. He had a red tattoo on his arm and his hair was brown and messy.

"You definetly aren't from here" he smirked. "There are many thiefs and rogue ninjas that could kill you"

"You act as if I were just a civilian"

"Well you don't have a bandage" he said. "But judging from your ramen cup that can only be found in one place, I'll say you're from the Hidden Leaf"

Crap. Am I that obvious?

I smirked, trying to hide my nervousness. "So I'm from the Leaf just because I ate this ramen bowl? How dumb!"

His eyes twitched a bit, but he crossed his arms. "Oh yeah, then where are you from?"

"The Mist" I blurted out. "But I don't like to show my bandage due to it's dark past"

He stared at me for a while. During that time I really thought that he wasn't gonna buy it.

"What's your name?" he asked.

"M-My name?"

"You have one right?"

"Yes...Mitarashi, Hana" I blurted out.

'Really Hima?! Hana?!?!'

"You know, Hana, I could kill you right now.."

'Oh shit!'

"You won't do it" I said while I noticed how he gulped in surprise. "You don't seem like a bad person."

"Why?" he demanded.

'Okay Himawari, time to improvise!'

"Because if you were, I would've been dead a while ago"

'Well, that's it. Uncle Neji, I'll be joining you sooner than expected.'

He stared at me as if he were battleling with something. After a while, he sighed.

"I'm Kawaki" he said. "I guess you're going to the war right?"

"Yes.. you will be joining too, right?"

"I can't"


"I have..something to do"

"It feels like you don't wanna do that something" I said in a comforting tone. "Care to talk about it?"


I sighed. This guy has problems. Then I sensed that the ANBU's were coming so I have to make it to the shinobi camp soon.

"Kawaki-san" I said with a warm smile. "It's been nice meeting you. But unfortunately I have to go now"

"ANBU's from Konoha, right?" he smirked while I gasped in shock. Seriously what's his deal.

"I gotta go" I said while running away. "Take care!"

Okay, honestly I didn't know why I said that. Just keep going

I noticed him how he smirked as I left to the camp. Then he went the other way around.

"Hana Mitarashi" he murmured. "Interesting"

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