Part 33

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"Bring her here, quickly!"

"W-Wait up! I wanna go too dattebasa!"

"We don't have time let's go!"


"Let her work Boruto. She's in good hands."

"I need more blood!"


"How is she dattebayo?"

"This is bad Naruto...I'll need time"

"Hokage-sama the surgery's about to start. We need you to leave the room."

"Dobe, we need to go.."

"No teme! I'll stay-.."

"Sakura-sama! Her chakra levels are too low. It's a matter of time before she-"

"Sakura-sama we're losing her!"

"No! Himawari just hold on dattebayo!"

"Clear the room! I want everyone outside except my medical team. Let's start the protocol. Where's the blood?"

"Here, Sakura-sama!"

"Sakura-sama her heart beats are slowing down!"

"Proceed to give her the blood. I need more clean bandages!"


"Sakura-sama she's havig a heart attack!"

"You will not die on me Hima! Clear!"

"She's not responding..."

"I can't sense her chakra levels!"

"Let's try again. Come on, Hima you  can do this...Clear!"


"One more...Clear!"





"She'a back! She still has chakra!"

"She's alive!"

"Quickly! Let's stabilize her.."

"Thank Kami..."

"Good, let's proceed with the surgery.."

I felt dizzy and anxious as I woke up. Everythig was extremely quiet but I still could remember the pain all over my body.

'My eyes!'

My arms were freed from chains. Did I broke them while trying to fight Toneri. I suddenly tried to scratch my face, trying to feel my eyes but a warm hand stopped me. I tried to fight him but his grip was stronger.

"Shh..calm down" he said while sensing my erratic breaths. "Don't worry Hima. You're safe now dattebayo"


"Wha-What happened? Where am I?" I asked confused as I felt an itchy sensation in my eyes. I tried to scratch them but dad got my hand again.

" were in a coma for 3 months."


"Three months?!?!" I said in shock. "But the war? What happened? Is it over yet? Dad tell me please, I need to know the truth! I must take this bandages away from my eyes so I could-"

"You can't see anything Himawari. Toneri took them from you.." he said in a guilty tone.

"W-what? What do you mean I can't see!?! Dad this isn't a joke please. Please tell me this is a dream!" I said trying to remain calm while realizing that I'm blind.

"Himawari calm dow-" he said ahile tryig to put his arms on my shoulders.  But I started hitting him in frustration.

"Dad this isn't real! Toneri couldn't! Toneri couldn't have done this please! Tell me you came in time to help me. Please I can't, I can't be blind please dad....please!"

By that time I felt my dad's arms already embracing me in a tight hug. I heard him sob while I yelled so it made me realize that he came late to rescue me. I felt the urge to cry but it hurted so much that I almost lost consciousness.

"What's happening here?!" I heard Sakura say while bursting into the room.

"She's awake dattebayo!" Naruto said with concern. "She knows though."

I head how Sakura suddenly looked for something before approaching me. "Himawari drink this. It's a pain killer.."

"I...I want to know what happened..." I said.

"You'll know but first things first" Sakura replied while placing the pill on my hand and a cup of water on the other one. "Drink it.."

I clenched my fist. I need answers.

"Himawari" Dad said while hugging me. "We'll tell you, it's a promise.."

I touched the pill and sighed. I placed it in my mouth and drank it.

"Good" Sakura said. "That will help you overcome the pain.."

"Yeah.." I said while finishing the cup of water. "Now, tell me..."

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