Chapter 3

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Namjoon: Hey? Yoongi? I am bored. 8:24 pm

Yoongi: Do something. I want to do my project. 8:26 pm

Namjoon: Project? About what? 8:26 pm

Yoongi: I have to write some lyrics for my songwriting class. 8:27 pm

Namjoon: Nice! 8:27 pm

Namjoon: About what? 8:28 pm

Yoongi: I want to write about my love for music. 8:28 pm

Namjoon: Ah. Music is truly beautiful. It just accepts us. No matter who we are, music is always going to be by our side. 8:29 pm

Yoongi: You accepted me Without you there's nothing. 8:32 pm

Namjoon: Hehe. Are you flirting with me, Yoon? 8:32pm

Yoongi: No, you idiot. I wrote this now. 8:33 pm

Namjoon: Sad for me. But nice lyrics! :) 8:34 pm

Yoongi: Don't let go of my hand forever, I won't let go of you again either. 8:36 pm

Namjoon: Such a romantic. 8:36 pm

Namjoon: How are you going to name this song? I would really like to listen to it one day on the radio. 8:40 pm

Yoongi: First Love. 8:42 pm

Namjoon: Nice. About love... 8:42 pm

Yoongi: Yes? 8:42 pm

Yoongi: Namjoon??? 8:45 pm

Namjoon: Do you have a girlfriend? 8:50 pm

Yoongi: No. Why? 8:52 pm

Namjoon: I bet you are popular with girls! >.< 8:53 pm

Yoongi: Not really. But thanks! 8:53 pm

Good. Namjoon already felt a soft blush on his face after he asked him about a girlfriend. He didn't know why he was so flustered by this dude. He wasn't homophobic. He knew he was into boys since 4th grade, but he didn't think he would end up being flustered by this boy. But he didn't know him in real life. And his friend was pretty looking too.

Yoongi sat on his bed and started reading the lyrics he wrote. He loved them. He really felt a connection with the song and his love for music. It meant so much to him and hell maybe Namjoon was right! Maybe it will be on the radio one day. One day, yeah.

Hoseok added you on the group "Music Project! <)"

Hoseok added "Jin" in the group

Hoseok added "TaeTae" on the group

Hoseok changed your name to "Grumpy Grandpa"

You changed your name to "Yoongi"

Yoongi: What is this? Who is TaeTae? Hey, Jin hyung. 9:00 pm

TaeTae: HEY!! I AM TAEHYUNG! :) <3 9:00 pm

Jin: Hey, stab it! Stop using capslock, Taehyung. He is Taehyung. I do the music project with him. 9:01 pm

Yoongi: Yeah. And why am I here? 9:02 pm

Hoseok: Because Jin wanted us to help him too! :) 9:02 pm

Jin: Yup! 9:02 pm

Yoongi: Ah. Cool. I finished the lyrics so... 9:05 pm

Hoseok: THAT WAS FAST! 9:05 pm

Yoongi: Yeah I know. Someone helped me. But it doesn't matter. 9:06 pm

TaeTae: I hope we can all get along! 9:07 pm

Jin: I am sure you will get along very fine with Yoongi and Hoseok. 9:08 pm

TaeTae: Thanks, Jin Hyung! <3 9:08 pm

Jin: Anyway, tomorrow we shall all try to come with an idea. I already came with an idea with Taehyung but I also want to hear your ideas. Today I can't really work on the song. I have to help my parents with my cat. She feels bad and I need to be by her side. 9:12 pm

TaeTae: I hope the kitty will feel better!! :( 9:12 pm

TaeTae: I hope the kitty will feel better!! :( 9:12 pm

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TaeTae: ALL MY LOVE TO HER! <3 <3 9:13 pm

Jin: Thanks~ Bye, J! Bye, Yoongi! Bye, Taehyung! 9:15 pm

TaeTae: J I LOVE YOU MAN! 9:15 pm

Hoseok: Love you too <3 9:15 pm

Yoongi: Omg. 9:16 pm

J-hope and Taehyung knew each other for a while so they were pretty comfortable around each other but Suga was completely out of this. He wasn't really comfortable with talking with both Taehyung and Jin at the same time. He felt like he would say something about Hoseok crush and make him sad. Yoongi wished he could tell Jin about it and see them together but not everyone was into guys or into Hoseok.

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