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"Fulgari," Delphi pointed her wand, almost immediately as the five of them came through the door, at everyone except Albus and Scorpius and thick, luminous cords bound them together. She pulled them towards her and onto their knees. None of them even raised their wands, they were too stunned to fight back. She muttered, "Expelliarmus," and all seven wands sailed to her hand. She pocketed Draco's and Scorpius' before snapping the rest and dropping the remains on the floor. "I believe that is the second time that has happened to you Mr Potter," she said and then looked at Albus and Scorpius. Albus stepped towards Delphi with determination in his eyes. She pointed her wand at Draco's temple and Scorpius tried to retreat away, terrified. Albus just swallowed and tried to speak.
"Delphi, please. Please don't hurt them. Please," he pleaded, hurt now staining his eyes.
"Albus," Delphi spoke mockingly as she floated to the ground and walked to him, dragging Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermione and Draco with her, "Albus, Albus, Albus. Don't worry about them. What did they ever do for you? I am going to reward you. You are the reason we're here right now. You gave me the time-turner. You helped me create this world. So, I will give you something back. Unfortunately, going back to the present would be a process that you would not survive because your parents are dead. But the Augurey is merciful – I am merciful. You, only you, may stay here in 1981. You may have a life. Not with your wand, but, that hardly matters does it?" Albus nodded, a tear trickled down his cheek, "Be grateful boy. I'm letting you live," she snapped at him.
"What do you want me to do? Grovel to a queen on a stolen throne built of lies and hell? Grovel to the woman who will murder my family the moment she gets the chance?" Albus retorted, finding his voice again. Delphi smiled, it was unsettling.
"Not the best thing you could have said. I was looking for an excuse to do what I wanted to do since I met you," she said sadistically and pointed her wand in his direction. Harry struggled against the ropes towards Albus. "Crucio," Delphi whispered and Albus screamed desperately. His body contorted, writhing, as if he could throw off the pain. He shrieked again and curled up into a ball. Harry started to fight twice as hard against the bonds and shouted. Scorpius ran to Albus and embraced him, trying to give some strength, to share the pain. Delphi turned her wand on him and he yelled out. "And that is just a taste, Scorpius," Delphi said, lowering her wand after a minute, "Just a taste of what I have for you." Scorpius and Albus collapsed and lay together on the floor, weakened. She laughed, high and cold and scared.
"Delphi," Draco started angrily, "If you lay a finger on my son- "
"Please, Draco," Delphi waved her wand in Draco's direction and his ropes broke from the others and dragged him to Delphi's feet, she looked away, "Address me properly. I am the Augurey and you are in no position to be making threats." Draco glanced at Albus and Scorpius, still recovering a few feet away. Delphi noticed and pointed her wand at Scorpius, "Fulgari," Scorpius was yanked towards his father and their ropes joined as one, "When we return to the present, you will not alert anyone to what has happened today – you will go about your daily lives and serve the Dark Lord. Both of you. In return, Granger and Weasley will remain in custody but they will remain alive. However, if you do anything I don't approve of, they will both be handed over to the dementors. Understand?" Draco and Scorpius nodded in unison, "Good, I'll give you two minutes to say goodbye," Delphi said directing the ropes to where Albus was lying.

Albus tried to drag himself up and untie Harry's wrists but Harry pulled away.
"Albus, we're going. We have to. I'm not risking endangering your life. You need to find help and get away. Don't get involved. We'll be okay," he murmured, tears gleaming in his eyes.
"But you'll die," mumbled Albus. Ginny nodded and embraced her son for the last time.
"Albus," Scorpius choked out, "I'll, I'll help you. I will fix this even if it kills me."
"No. Scorpius. You can't risk yourself, please," Albus begged, "I'm going to die either way so don't get yourself killed."
"Time's up," Delphi called from the other side of the church and she raised her wand to pull them apart.
"No, please. Please give another minute. Please," pleaded Hermione.
"I gave you long enough. You didn't use it properly. That's your problem. We are going back to the day Scorpius arrived but, first, we are going to the Third Task. You stopped me speaking to my father, so we will do it this way," Delphi raised her wand and pulled everyone except Albus to her and the time-turner. Hermione struggled and tried to break free, but the others just let it happen, they were determined to protect Albus. Silent tears flowed down Scorpius' and Albus' cheeks as the group disappeared. There was a huge rush around them. The noise was deafening and scary, but Scorpius didn't notice. He didn't care. Not now. Not anymore.

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