Chapter 1: The Planning

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Ivy's P.O.V.
3:30 pm, Three weeks until Halloween, Zac's backyard.
"So, what's the plan?" Piper asked.
Everyone looked at her as if she were a crazy lady with twelve cats. "What's what plan?" Zac asked the question that everyone else was thinking. "You know, for Halloween?" Of course. We should have guessed. Halloween was always Piper's favorite. "Oh. I don't know. Maybe a group costume?" Brooklyn suggested. Brooklyn was always ready with an idea. She knew what people wanted. Piper gasped and just yelled "YASSSSS!!!!!" And pulled out her phone. She left the rest of us deaf, and we all knew what she was doing. She was google searching group costumes. She went dead silent as she scrolled through google images, looking for the perfect group costume idea. I hadn't seen her this focused in a while. She doesn't even look this focused when she takes tests! While she was in her own little world over there, the rest of us kept talking. "What do you think happens to her brain when she gets that focused?" Daniel asked, snickering. "I'm not sure. I can only imagine it being like that one episode of Spongebob when Squidward wants to impress Squilliam by turning the Krusty Krab into a fine dining restaurant, and then Spongebob can't remember his name so his mind starts freaking out and then a fire starts. Yeah, that is totally 100% accurate on what is happening right now." I said. Everyone started laughing. Yea das rite I is funny. Suddenly we hear a dramatic gasp from the one and only Piper. Oh no. Here it comes again. Everyone already plugged their ears, knowing very well what's about to happen. She basically exploded. "YASSSSSSSSSSSSS!" It ended, and now I'm pretty sure that everyone in New Orleans' ears are bleeding. "Would you like to share with the class?" Brooklyn asked. She was kind of like a mom and a teacher. "Brook, just look at these costumes! This is the perfect idea for us!" Piper shoved her phone in Brook's face and then Brook, being a mom at heart, replied with, "Yeah, I would totally do that." Piper took back he phone and showed the image she had pulled up to me, because I was sitting next to Brook. She showed me an image of people dressed up as characters from the Mario franchise. "Yeah, I'm down for that. But I call to be Princess Peach! My hair is already blonde so I don't need that wig that girl is wearing!" I said. Daniel suddenly cut into what I was saying and said, "Well then I have to be Mario." "Jeez, get a room!" Zac replied. I giggled, and gave Daniel a kiss on the cheek. We had been boyfriend/girlfriend for about nine months now. "But Dan, that just means that I constantly have to lead you on, and then immediately friend zone you." Daniel just frowned in disappointment. "Awww man, I thought you were going to invite me over for cake!" "Shut up!" I said, pushing him over. While this whole thing happened, Piper finished showing everyone the image. "Okay, so we have Ivy as Peach, and Danny as Mario. Does anyone else have anything they wanna call dibs on?" Piper asked. Zac and Brook both shook their heads no. "Alright, then I shall decide for you! Brook, you have two options. You could be Daisy, or Rosalina. What shall you choose?" "Rosalina, duh. She a badass, unlike Daisy. Daisy is annoying!" She responded. "Okey dokes... and as for Zac... you will be.... Bowser!" They seemed content with what she gave them. "And what about you?" I asked Piper, realizing she hadn't picked a character for herself yet. She gave a grin. I know that grin. It's the grin... of a MEMELORD. "WAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLUUUUUUUIIIIIGIIIIIIIII NUMBER ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Okay, welp, that settles that. Everyone in the United States is deaf because of Waluigi.

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