Chapter 3: A haunting in Gettysville

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*This town is actually one of the most haunted places on was a battle area, and more hauntings get discovered day by day. This one will be off and on with I get lazy at times...*

Narrator: Back in 2003, the Harling family moved into a hotel and ran the business.

Ty: Hi my name is Ty, I'm currently 23 and at the time I was 8. My mom and I actually moved to the town since we had no other option but to leave. I like the town, It is old, but it's awesome.

Teresa : Hi my name is Teresa, I'm 48 and I have my son Ty with me. My husband and I got divorced when ty was only 7, my daughter, Tess, visits every once in a while, she's currently 21. I owned a few business back in Cali but I was then arrested for drug dealing in my kitchen at my job and also for prostitution. I lost Ty for a few months because of it. The judge dismissed my case as they found out who actually brought in the drugs. I got my son, and filed for full custody and also child support. My husband was sleeping around and I know he has at least 6 other kids with different women. I wanted to be in control of a building that was different from all the other businesses I owned.

Narrator: Teresa and Ty get settled into the hotel, and clean up the hotel and reopen it for business.

Ty : I was happy for my mom because she's been through hell and she does deserve a good life. I know my mom, she won't give up on anything unless it's illegal. My father however just stops caring and pretends like he's the better person. I was 2 when my little sister was born, I was having to keep her away from dad because he was also abusive and emotionally disturbed.

Narrator : Ty picks out a room on the very top floor, unaware that the room he is in, is where the most activity lies.
One week later...

Ty: We got business and had around 80-100 people sleep here a night. We got money and paid for the hotel things...I loved it...except every single day, a man and woman keep standing outside and stare at the hotel.

Narrator: Teresa feels like the old couple need to leave since they make the guests uncomfortable.

Teresa: "Excuse me, why are you guys standing here? You can come in and get a room like everyone else..."

Narrator: the couple refuses to get close to the hotel...

Teresa: I saw them back up together, they didn't answer me or anything, they just backed off and kept made me want to contact the cops...

"Guys, I'm sorry but this is now my property, if you don't want a room then please leave. You are making my guests uncomfortable with your staring..."

Narrator: The old woman then responds to Teresa...but very quietly...

"Ma'am, we owned this building back in 1978. This is my husband Gerald and I'm Holly Fenster...we gave up the hotel because of what happened in room 418." The lady said.

Teresa: She mentioned my son's room, he was staying in room 418, but he never mentioned anything about the room...I walked outside and got closer to her.
"Holly, hi sorry for being rude before it's just business is a nightmare lately. But what did you mean by the room 418, like what happened?"

She laughed at me, "Sweetie, that's where you have to go and find out. We own the barn a mile from here, if you have concerns once you check it out...then come by and ask for Holly. A man named James is the security guard there...and be careful up there. It's not a place to be goofing around in. And keep your guests lower than the 3rd floor. Otherwise, you will not find them..."

They then vanished...

Teresa: I was curious to know what the woman meant by finding them and was confusing. I asked Ty if he felt anything in his room, something that is hard to explain...

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