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  When they stepped through the portal, Dan was surprised to see that they were in PJs room, and not in the Highers chambers.

  "I thought the Highers wanted to talk to me?" Dan asked.

  "They do, but I just decided to go through my room. It was easier." PJ replied, but for some reason, he was whispering. It was then that Dan looked over at PJs bed and saw that it was occupied, by none other than Chris Kendall. He was shirtless, from what Dan could see, with the blankets covering his waist and below.

  Well, hot damn.

  Dan raised his eyes at Peej, who blushed and looked at the floor. Dan laughed quietly and grabbed his friend's arm, pulling him out of the room and cautiously closing the door, so as not to wake the sleeping Kendall.

  "You guys only kissed?" Dan asked, laughing as they made their way down the corridors. PJ was looking everywhere but at him, his face still bright red.

  "We didn't have sex, if that's what you're implying. We just, hung out last night, and yeah, maybe it got a bit heated. But I didn't sleep with him. Not yet."

  "So what you're saying is that you do plan on hitting that?"

  "Stop, saying it like that!" PJ said, shoving Dan playfully. "I don't want to just 'hit it'. I want it to..... I don't know, be special? I want it to mean something."

  And, holy hell, Dan was surprised, because PJ was like, the king of one night stands. He never got this sappy and romantic over a person, but apparently, this Kendall guy was enough to make his horny friend stay in line. He must be some kind of magician or something.

  "You like him a lot, don't you?" Dan asked softly, and Peej nodded.

  "Like, a lot, a lot. I think...... I think I might love him, Dan. Like, really love him." PJ admitted. His gaze was trained on the floor, and his hands stuffed in his pockets. It was silent between them after that, but not uncomfortable. They were just lost in their own thoughts.

  Because PJ talking about Chris had made Dan think about Phil, and all the shit they had to go through. At least Peej and Chris could be in a relationship without any trouble. And that made Dan jealous of his best friend, not in a hateful way, just sort of envious. Why couldn't he be happy, with the person who made him happy? He had the worst luck, falling in love with Phil. But he was also lucky to have found someone like Phil, who seemed to like him back.

  There were very few options to choose from in this situation, and Dan didn't like the thought of any of them. Either, he could choose to stay with Phil, and be exiled from the Reaper community. He'd never work another job, never see PJ again, and that was a horrible thought, because Peej was one of the only people who made him sane. He could drop this job, have some other Reaper finish and forget about Phil. But that would be way too painful, he couldn't just leave like that.

  Or he could ask Phil if he'd be willing to become a Reaper himself.

  There was a process in which humans could be changed into Reapers, but it was a pretty long process and a painful one. Dan knew, because he'd been put through it, along with his parents. It usually took about three or four days before the ritual was complete. Dan would never want Phil to have to go through that physical pain, because he just seemed so fragile, with his pretty blue eyes and pale skin and skinny frame. He really didn't seem like he'd be able to handle it. But it was up to him, if he wanted to or not, Dan couldn't stop him.

  His train of thought was interrupted, as PJ stopped in front of him, almost causing Dan to run into his back. He looked up and saw that they had reached the tall, wooden doors that hid the Highers chambers.

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