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Time flew by for y/n, soon enough it was time for her to travel to Korea, finally getting to see her man whom she hasn't seen in a couple of months.

She felt like her heart would jump out of her chest in any moment, it was 6am, she was at the gate waiting for boarding time, Namjoon took a few minutes to put her up to speed of what she needed to do as soon as she landed at Incheon airport.
-" my sweet love, I can't wait to see you.
Namjoon said on the other side of the phone.
- Me too my love, I really miss you.
-" well, there would be a driver waiting for you at the airport, then we will meet at the dorm, from there we would take the train to Ilsan, understood?"
-" sure, baby.
-" ok baby girl, see you soon.
-" yes baby.
They hung up, then she walked to the coffee shop to get coffee also some snacks for the plane ride.
6 hours later y/n landed in South Korea, she had the chance of looking out the window, she was just drooling from the beautiful view in front of her eyes.
She got out of the plane, began to look around where to go until she found the sign the said baggage claim.

She walked until she made it, saw a couple of males dressed in black with a sign with her name on it,
Y/n managed to grab her suitcase quickly before walking to the 2 males who were Bts staff.
-" hello, how are you doing?, my name is y/n.
She said vowing the males.
-" hello y/n, we are the boys staff,

Namjoonssi asked us to pick you up today, so follow us this way please.
She followed shyly the 2 males, as they made there way to a black van, they grabbed the suitcase from her placing them in back, they opened the door for her, with a smile which she returned then took a seat in the back.

After a short drive they make it to Big Hit building, one of the males opened the door for her to get out of the car meanwhile the other one grabbed her belongings.
-" this way miss.
The entered in the building, taking the elevator quickly making their way upstairs.
-" we think Namjoonssi might be in his studio, I'll walk you to his door, he will leave the suitcase outside Namjoomssi's studio until you leave for train station.
-" thank you so much.

She said vowing to the staff members, after one of them showed her the way to Namjoon's studio.

Y/n smiled to herself feeling her cheeks getting warm.
-" right here miss, Mon studio, I'll leave you.
He vowed before walking away, y/n looked at the door taking a deep breath she knocks.
-" who is it?"
She heard his deep sexy voice coming from the inside.
-" come on in...

She opened the door soflty to find him sitting on his chair doing his thing, his back was completely turned, she walked until she reached the chair.
-" who knocked?"
He mumbled, but before he could turn around she wrapped her arms around his shoulders closing them until her hands landed on his chest, her lips were right by his ear so she whispered.
-" it's was me sexy.
His eyes widened at the sound of her voice.
-" baby, you are finally here.

He said unhooking her hands pulling her around making her sit on his lap.
-' yes honey, I'm here.

She leaned her forehead against his, both smiled like little kids.
-" I misses you baby, I need you, your lips and the rest attached to them.

He said grabbing her face within between his hands kissing her roughly with neediness and desperation.
Her hands got ahold of his shoulders pulling him closer for a kiss, when he finally pulled back feeling the lack of oxygen in the brain.
-" aigoo, only heaven knows how much I missed this and you.
-" oh my sexy man, I have been going crazy just thinking about you, your sexy face, your hands and all of you.
-" really baby, I have been thinking about your sexy ass too.
His hands landed on her hips pressing her down onto his crotch.
-" ahh baby...
She leaned closer kissing him again but this time was a full make out session while his hands dipped under her shirt.
-" baby, we have to stop please.
-" I'm sorry baby girl, I will.
He pulled his hands out from under her shirt.
-" what time are we leaving to the train station baby?"
-" we are leaving in about 30 minutes, let's go get my things at the dorm.
-" ok baby, let's go what were you doing by the way.
-" just working on some beats nothing to important.
-" ahhh, ok.
He saved his worked grabbing her hand as he walked out the door.
-" come on beautiful.
They walked back to the dorm, there she gets ambushed by the rest of the boys which were all over her.

After she caught up with the boys, her and Namjoon grabbed their stuff the. left the dorm making their way to the train station.
-" are you ready my angel, to have some fun Kim style?
-" yes baby, I'm very ready!
She smiled kissing his cheek.
-" ok baby, I'm glad.
-" well let's go, your mask Mr. Kim.
She placed the mask over his mouth and brings the hoodie up, he took advantage of the proximity to give her a peck on her lips.
-" gotcha.
-"aigoo, baby let's go.
They walked to the counter to buy the train tickets standing around waiting on the train.
-" I hope this train gets here fast, I don't want to risky your safety.
-" relax baby, we are going to be fine, don't worry about me.
-" baby, don't tell me that because that is physically and mentally impossible for me, you are my soul mate, I'm going to worry about you and your well being.
-" aish baby, that's my job worry about you.
-" Kim Namjoon.
She whispered but at the moment she heard the sound of the train stopping right behind them.
-" come on princess, let's turn up.

He said as they made their way inside, he bought the whole compartment so the could have privacy specially no crazy fans.

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