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When I open my eyes again Meredith is screaming at me. For a second I forgot what I did. "Lexie, oh god! Wake up!" She yells frantically in a pleading voice, I hear the pain in her voice as she watches my eyes open. "Don't do that again!" Mark says wiping a tear from his own eye. I'm almost shocked, why is he crying? I try to erase the thoughts swimming through my mind, but all I can focus on is how disoriented the world looks from my point of view.

When Cristina gets back she is holding a large pile of clothes and throws them down as soon as she gets close enough to me. "We shouldn't move her." Meredith says defensively standing up to talk to Cristina privately. As they talk I'm left with Mark and my thoughts. To be honest, no they shouldn't move me, I think thats pretty obvious. But in all honesty, all I want to do is move. I want to get up and run. Run far away from this stale ground, and miserable being.  Mark is petting my head like I'm some kind of dog. I don't know what it is or what super power Mark has, but somehow whenever he is around it makes me feel safe. I shut my eyes and try to focus on the fact that Mark is here, therefore I am safe.

Meredith and Cristina come back and just sit down next to me, I know in that moment they are not going to move me and I'm kind of relived. I close my eyes as I continue to hear Arizona screaming. "Please tell me what's going on with her!" I say with my eyes shut grasping onto Merediths hand for dear life. I'm annoyed and angry that I can't just go over there and hold her hand like everyone is doing for me. I hear Meredith take a long deep breath in an attempt to pull herself together. "We don't know. It's her leg." I cringe as I invision her. Arizona Robbins, one of the strongest people I know screaming her head off in pain. I go through all the images of the terrible circumstances she could be in. "I need to help!" I muster up all my strength to seem tough and try to push my torso off of the ground. Meredith pushes me gently back down. "Lexie, you have to stay still!" Cristina says stearnly. Is that the only damn word this woman can say?! "No I need to help!" I scream back trying to fight but it only makes Merediths grip on me even stronger. Somehow she manages to keep me held to the ground. I don't know what's happening to me, I'm not usually like this. "I'm gonna go help Arizona okay?" Cristina says frantically rushing over to her in an attempt to calm me down, it works a little. "Lexie... I'm fine!" I hear Arizona softly yell towards me. I can still hear the pain in her voice though. "How are you?" She yells back into the silence of the woods. I sigh in a sort of relief, she's alive. I chose to dismiss that question because after all, nobody is okay here, absolutely no one.

    I look up and study the trees, they are tall from where I am; painted green sticks in the ground. Most of them look old if not dead, where are we? I shut my eyes and pretend I'm with Mark, back at home where everything is safe. We are in his appartement and he is twirling me around like a princess at a ball. Then he pulls me closer to him and embraces me in a tight hug. "Meant to be." He whispers into my ear as I repeat the words off of his lips, "meant to be."

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