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Lexie's POV

Today I had my first physical therapy session. My physical therapists name is Dr. Bends but she told me to just call her by her first name which is Ann. She is a tall blonde haired woman who must be only a few years older than me. She seems so sweet! Today all she really did was study my chart and talk with me about what to expect pain wise while doing therapy. I was thankful that we didn't actually start doing anything because I am really not in the mood for any of that. As an order from Ann, they started to ween me off of the pains meds that practically numbed my legs. Needless to say I've been in a lot of pain! Thankfully Dr. Bailey came by a few hours ago and evened it out so that I'm not in too much pain but I can actually feel my legs. It's odd, but im doing alright. Both of my legs are in casts from a surgery I had a few weeks ago and will probably be on for a while. Im okay with the casts! Because of the nerve damage to my legs It's not like my legs can become itchy which is nice. But also very odd to think about.

   After the whole panic attack, Owen suggested I see a therapist. At first I was completely opposed to the idea, as a lot of people would if someone told them they needed help. But now with everything sort of shifting closer to normal than before, I do understand where. He is coming from. According to him, a lot of the others on the plane had to go to a lot of therapy caused by PTSD. Since both Owen and I have suffered from PTSD in the past, we both thought it might be a good idea as my memory slowly creeps back in. We talked for a while about it and I decided that I would try it after I get discharged from the hospital. Owen was happy that I made a compromise with him, and it felt really good knowing that he cared so much about me.

   I currently sit alone in my room. I try and call Mark but each time it goes straight to voicemail. I consider the fact that he may in fact be in a surgery, but I havent seen him in what seems like forever. I start to get worried so I decide to call Meredith.

"Hello!" Meredith says in a quiet tone.It sounds like she could be in the gallery watching a surgery, there is no background sound on the call, just her voice. "Hey Mer! Im sorry to bother you, but have you heard anything from Mark? He wont answer my calls."

Meredith's POV

"Hey Mer! Im sorry to bother you, but have you heard anything from Mark? He wont answer my calls." I stare straight front at Derek who has worry and exhaustion  covering his eyes. I stare at the door in which Mark is behind. Derek and Callie talked him into therapy. He only got drunk the one time, but he has been taking everything with Lexie really rough! His anger has been through the roofs and everyone working with him could see that. Derek had to practically drag Mark here, and we are anxiously waiting for him to get out. Derek is such a good friend to Mark. There are very few people I know who would help a friend out after they got so drunk and almost hit their wife. But thats Derek for you, pure dreamy and forgiving.

"Um no I havent seen him." I bite my lip, I hate lying. Especially to my own blood. My sister trusts me, but all I want to do is protect her. If I told her where I am and where Mark is, god knows what would happen to her."Oh okay, well I was just wondering if you'd seen him. If you do though, tell him to call me or come by!" Her voice sounds disappointed and I feel bad. I dont say a word but hear the other line hang up and I put down my phone. When I look up I see the door open and Mark walks out. Derek stands up immediately and walks over to him. Mark and Derek just nod at each other and that was it. With that, Mark walked out and into an elevator. I stare confused at Derek as he just shakes his head. "Well he doesn't seem mad at us." I say softly. Derek nods his head with a small smile, one saying he did the right thing. I can tell its hurting him, the fact that his best friend is hurting. Derek wraps an arm around my shoulder as we begin to walk down the hallway.

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