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After what seems like hours I finally make it back into my room in the hospital. Meredith came along with me for about a half hour, but had to leave when she was paged to the ER. To be honest I was jealous when her pager went off, I don't even know where mine is! I'm exhausted from all the tests they ran. Blood tests, neuro exams, X-rays, MRI's, CT scans, all I want to do is sleep for hours and hours!

Once I start to get as comfortable as you can in a hospital bed, immediately the door slams open and in walks Mark. "Hey Little Grey!" He says with the famous Mark Sloan grin plastered on his face. I shake my head with a bright smile as he drops a beautiful bouquet of flowers on the small table next to my bed. He leans down and kisses my forehead gently as if not to break my fragile body. I wrap my arms around his strong back and hold him tight never wanting to let go. He hugs me back and we stay in this odd but beautiful position of a hug for a while.

"I love you!" He says studying my face when we finally pull away from the hug. "I love you too" when the words repeat off of my lips I can't help but blush. I don't think I've ever been this happy!

  He holds my hand and kisses my forehead. "You're gonna be fine! We are gonna be fine!" He whispers softly into my ear. He knows exactly how I'm feeling. Our eyes lock and I smile at him. I forget everything when I look into his gorgeous eyes, literally everything. "You're gonna be an amazing surgeon you know?" He says softly. I look at him with weary eyes. "Yeah, you know I was just working with some of the other interns and you're the best! Hands down!" He says, I smile at him. He doesn't need to say all of this. He is talking to me like I'm dying, which to my knowledge I'm not. But you never know, I could be having a surge.

"Your beautiful Lexie Grey!" He says studying my face. I shake my head with a blush but he grabs my chin and leaves a kiss on my lips. "You are beautiful Lexie Grey!" He repeats hypnotized by the fluttering eyes. I kiss him again, this is how it should be! This is meant to be! I smile pulling away shyly as he smiles at me. "Now get some rest! I have a surgery but I'll be back right after I promise!" He says checking his watch and kissing me one last time before leaving the room with a smile. I smile with the thought lingering in my head. I love him, I'm in love with Mark Sloan and he loves me back! In this moment I forget everything. I forget I'm in the hospital, I forget about the plane crash. I'm in love and that's all I can think about. Mark Sloan. I'm in love with Mark Sloan. I'm in love with Mark Sloan.

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