Forget About It

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Shizuo groaned sheepishly as the phone on his nightstand ringing woke him. It was a ringtone he hadn't heard in a long time, since blocked numbers didn't usually call. There was only one blocked number he had though... and why the hell would they be calling at three in the morning? Why would Izaya be calling period?! Shizuo reluctantly reached over and grabbed the phone, deciding to answer. Still half asleep, he pressed the button and held the phone to his ear. "What have you done this time," he asked with a growl, "and why the hell do you know my number?"

"Well for starters, I'm an information broker." Came Izaya's hoarse voice, though he managed a laugh, "Listen you're the last person I want to see me like this, but its either you help me or I die."

Shizuo's eyes widened at that and he put the phone on speaker, rushing to get dressed as he spoke. "You're such a little shit Izaya, I swear to god if you're playing a trick on me I will kill you." He threw some shoes on, grabbing the phone and rushing out the door. "Where are you?"

Izaya again laughed, "Wow Shizu-chan youre really coming after me? How heroic of you. How disgustingly human for a monster like you-"

"Dont push your luck flea. Just tell ,e where the hell you are. Did you get stabbed again?"
"Actually this time I was stabbed repeatedly. Im sitting in a back ally hiding from the assaultant. My wounds aren't fatal as they are, unless I pass out and cant stop the bleeding any more."
Shizuo huffed, rolling his eyes as he exited his apartment building, "What ally?"
"Somewhere behind the building where the Awukusa had that dispute. It's a maze back here really. Have fun figuring it out."
"You better not hang up on me."
"Well if I die does that count?"
"Shut up don't talk like that."
"Aww are you worried about me, Shizu-chan?"
"For your information, yes. Unlike you I'm not a heartless asshole. I'm not worried about getting revenge on someone while they're bleeding out in some ally."
There was silence on the other end for a long time, though Izaya finally spoke.

"Gross you sound human."
"Shut up with that, will you? Just hang on, I'll be there soon." Shizuo took off running, still on the phone just in case.

Izaya sat back against the wall, holding the three stab wounds on his side tightly, staring up at the cloudy sky as his free hand loosely held the phone to his ear. "I still don't buy it. I think you're a monster."

"Oh yeah?" Izaya was surprised to find that Shizuo didn't sound angry, "How can you claim to know what I am if you don't know me?" Again Shizuo was met with silence. Izaya was stunned. He had been wrong a few times about various things... but this... no, no it was an act. Shizuo was just a monster. Then again, he only ever saw Shizuo when he was angry. Speaking to him normally was actually... soothing.

"Hey, you still there?" Shizuo asked softer, the sound of him running on the other end had slowed. Was he near by?

"Yeah... why?" Izaya was met with silence this time, and then the call ended. Shizuo hung up?

"Good, you're still alive." Came Shizuo's voice, even though Izaya was pretty sure the phone was closed and off now. He looked around, flinching when the blonde landed in front of him, apparently he had been scaling down the wall.

"Way to scare someone," Izaya snickered and hissed slightly in pain.

"Shut up and let me see the damage." He huffed and gently lifted Izaya's shirt and hand to look at the wounds. "I'm sure as hell not a doctor but I think you'll live. Not the first time you've been stabbed. Let's go."

Izaya narrowed his eyes at Shizuo, "Go where? I cant go to a hospital again."

"Well you're lucky my apartment isn't far. I'll call Shinra and see when he can stitch you up." Shizuo stated, not waiting for permission before he scooped Izaya up in a bridal carry. "Just keep pressure on the wounds."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2017 ⏰

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