summer part 1

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"KILL HIM YOU IDIOT!" Kaleb yelled in my ear, while I'm trying to focus on the video game.
"What do you think I'm doing?"
And that's when we both died.
"Great." I said throwing the Xbox one controller at him.
"Don't blame me for how much you suck!" he said punching me in my stomach.
I hit him back with as much force as I can. That's when Kaleb pushed me and I slapped his face. Kaleb tackled me.

He got on top of me and held my arms down. I tried to get him off by rolling him over but it didn't work. All it accomplished was getting him to use more strength. And it felt weird...
I felt...
I looked up at Kaleb who was looking down at me.
I started to feel embarrassed, "I'm sorry."
"Its okay." He said getting closer to me.
I got closer to him and our lips connected.
We started to kiss. As we got further, he let go of my hands a bit. It let me move my hands and I held onto his cheeks.
I started to kiss him passionatelly and hard.
He started to move his hand up my shirt.

As things started to get more heated, we heard somone come toward my bedroom door.
I push kaleb off me and my little bother Sammy comes in my room.
"What is going on guys?" He asked.
"Nothing, we were wrestling." Kaleb said quickly.
"Okay dweebs. Can I play with you?"
"We were actually going for a walk soon." I said trying to get him to leave us alone.
"Can I come? Please Bryer!" He asked giving me the puppy eyes.
"No Sammy!"
I saw Sammy look at Kaleb.
"Why can't he come?" Kaleb asked looking at me confuse.
"Because I want to talk to you. About something personal." I said giving him a serious look.
"Fine whatever. I don't want to go." Sammy said stumping out of my room and slaming my door.
I give Kaleb a annoying look and he just smiles at me.
"Let's go." I said.

We got down stairs, "Hey honey, what are you guys up to?" My mom asked from the kitchen.
"Going for a walk."
"Be safe and text me."
"We will mom." I said opening the door and letting Kaleb out and following from behind him.

While we were about a block away from my house, I turn to Kaleb and asked, "So what do you want to do?"
"We could go to that park?"
"Yeah, whatever you want to do."
"Then let's get our dumb asses over there."

We walked to the park and we sat in one of the "houses" at the top of the slide.
"Can we talk about what happen earlier?" I asked nervously.
"We can talk about this." Kaleb said coming over to me and kissing me.
I kiss back.
I wrap my hands around his hips and I pull him close.
Kaleb wraps his arms around my neck.
I pull away to catch my breath and Kaleb starts to kiss my neck.
"You are adorable Bryer."
I started to get excited so I started to grip onto his hips.
As he felt me get a boner, he pushes his dick up against mine.
He moves his head so he's looking into my eyes.
I saw his eyes move down to my lips and a smile come across.
He moved his hands down my jeans and grabbed my butt.
I grab his face and pulled him into a kiss. He grabbed my side's and pulled my body closer to his.
He put his hands up my shirt and he started to rub my stomach.
I moved my hands to the zipper of his pants.

Sammy~ POV

I walked a mile behind Kaleb and Bryer till they reached the park.
I stood behind a tree while they walked up to the play house.
I watched them for a little while until I saw them kiss.
"Im so gonna tell mom!" I said to myself still watching them.
I was about to sit down until I tripped and fell on a pile of sticks making a big sound.

Bryer~ POV
Kaleb started to kiss me more passionatelly until we heard a sound.
"What the fuck was that!" Kaleb said while jumping back.
"I don't know and fix your pants." I said walking out of the play house.
I scanned the park to see where the sound could have came from.
Kaleb walked beside me, "I think it came from there." He pointed to a row of trees.
I walk over there to find my little brother laying on the ground in pain.
"Dude. What the actual fuck!" I said in anger
"What the fuck yourself! You two were making out! I can't wait to tell dad and mom." He said with a sly snicker.
"The hell you will!" I said pulling him up.
"Sammy. If you tell them, your brother will kill you. And I will personally see to it that you go through the most painful, depressing, slow death. And I will enjoy every last bit of it." Kaleb said angrily and on the edge of crying.
"Kaleb chill," I said putting my arm around him and pulling him close to me, "Sammy is there something I could possibly do for you not to tell anyone!"
Sammys mouth turn into a smirk, "Bryer, you have to do everything I tell you to do."
Oh hell no. I don't want to be his slave.
I turn to look at Kaleb. I would do anything for him. I looked down and sighed. " fine"
Sammy laughs, "Good."
"Can you leave us alone now Sammy?" Kaleb said pulling away from me.
"With what you were just doing?! No way!" That was when my phone rang. I looked at it and my heart dropped. My mom's face stared back at me.
"Mom's calling." I said nervously.
I answered it, "hey mom."
"Hey honey. Are you on the way home? It's getting late."
"Yeah mom. Be home soon."
"Okay sweety, be safe."
"We will. Love you."
"Love you too."
And I ended the call.
"Mom wants us to go back home anyways." I told Kaleb.
We walked home and when we got to my house, my mom was waiting outside for us.
"You sleeping here tonight Kaleb?" My mom asked.
"Yeah, if that's okay." He said smiling at her.
"Of course it's okay. You want a sleeping bag for Bryers room?"
Kaleb looked up at me, "Yeah sure." He said looking back her.
"I will get that for you."
Sammy looked at me, "Can I sleep in your room to?"
"The fuck you thought." I said pushing him.
Kaleb was walking inside and I ran up behind him and squeeze his butt.
I saw a smile form across his face.
"You guys are gross." Sammy said pushing us and walking inside.
Kaleb and I followed and we went to my room.
I closed my bedroom door by pushing Kaleb up against it.
I started kissing him and he wrapped his arms around my hips and he pulled me closer to him.
I grabbed his face with my right hand and started kissing his neck.
He let out a slight moan.
We heard someone coming up stairs and Kaleb pushed me away from him.
"You are a dork." I said to him.
"Shut up dweeb."
I slap him right as my mom walked in, "play nice boys." She said laying out the sleeping bag for Kaleb.
She placed a pillow and a folded blanket on the ground, "here you go Kaleb. Bryer has more blankets and pillows in his closet."
"Thank you." He said giving her a slight smile.
"well goodnight boys, and don't be up to late."
"Okay mom."
While she was walking out, she waved good bye and closed the door.

We waited till we didn't hear her foot steps.
"Your not going to need that sleeping bag." I said winking at Kaleb.
"I know." He said rubbing my side's.
I moved his arms off me and I laid on my bed.
I moved my arm out and motioned Kaleb to lay next to me.

He laid beside me and I put my arm around him and moved him close to me.
"Can we talk about us." I said.
"Ugh...yeah of course."
"Did you just start having feelings for me or..?" I said nervously.
"Have you?" He said looking up at me
"Then yes, I have had feelings."
"Well we been friends for a while. I don't want to lose what we had or have now."
"We don't have to lose anything Bryer."
"But I want to be with you Kaleb."
"I want to be with you too Bryer." He said sitting up.
"If you want to be together , then let's be together." Kaleb said rolling on top of me.
I put my arms around his waist, "Fine. Let's be together."
"Good." He said giving me a smile.
I grab his shirt and I pull it off, he has one of the cutest stomach ever.
He grabs my shirt and he pulls mine off.
He starts kissing my collar bone. He starts kissing all over my stomach. Then he got closer to my waist line. He slowly starts pulling my pants down and kissing my penis.
He pulled my pants and boxer down even more and he starts giving me head.
I grip my bed sheets.
I want to look down at him but I don't want to make things weird.
I close my eyes and I lean my head back.
I start to get hard and I grip my bed sheets harder and I'm trying not to moan out loud. Im making some kind of sounds, that is probably making me sound stupid.
Kaleb hit the right spot that let me moan out loud.
Couple seconds go by and I'm about to cum. Kaleb goes faster and I moan.

I cum and Kaleb wipes his mouth. He pulls up next to and he starts kissing my neck and biting my ear.
I grip onto his side's.
I pull his shorts down and I start to rub his dick. I hear him moan Into my neck. Which made me giggle.
I start to rub his dick faster and he starts to grip my bed and he barries his face into my neck.
I hear him make slight moaning sounds.
He starts to bite on my shoulder a little.
I start to rub a little faster and then slow and faster again, until he finally came.
"Oh my god." Kaleb said sitting on top of me.
"What?" I said confuse.
"Nothing, it's you." He said smiling at me.
"Is that a good thing or bad." I said confuse.
"Obviously good, you dork."
I slap him lightly, "shut up."
"You...shut up." He says laughing.
"Make me." I said grabbing him and flipping him over so I'm on top of him now.
"Maybe I don't want to." He says with a smirk.
I lean down and I start to kiss him. He kisses back with passion. I start to kiss back hard.
We start to make out.
Kaleb pulls away, "Can we..."
"Can we what?" I said
"Nevermind." He says trying to kiss me.
"Can we do the sex?"

I lean down and I start kiss his neck.
He grabs my face and pulls it in front of his and he starts kissing me.
I kiss him back.
He pulls me away and he turns over, "go ahead."
I get nervous. I hold onto his side's.
I walk for a second.
Then I go in.
I hear him moan.
I thrust back and forth.
He grips the bed and he moans.

After couple minutes go by, I came.
I lay down and I put my sweat pants on and Kaleb gets up and puts his shorts back on.

"Where you going?" I ask him.
"Okay." I smile at him.

When he left I got up and I clean my bed.
I change my bed sheets and I grab another blanket.
Kaleb walks in, "What are you doing?"
"Cleaning my bed."

After I cleaned up my bed, I laid under the blanket.
I motion Kaleb to lay next to me.
He crawls in and I cuddle up next to him.

"when we became friends, I always thought you hated me." I said to him.

He laughs, "at first I didn't like you, but you grew on me and we became best friend's, to this."

"What made you hate me?" I said concern.

"When we first met, I thought you were kinda stuck up and whatever. But after a while, we started to like the same stuff. Then we started to get along."

I keep replaying what he said to me, "at first I didn't like you."

"You okay?"
"Yeah." I said lying, "Im just ready for bed."
"alright. Good night."
"Night Kaleb."
He kisses my head.
I cuddle close to him and we go to sleep.

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