spinning chair

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I was just about to go talk my achoal break when I heard my wakie talkie go off. I rolled my digital green eyes before answering "my boss" tord.

"Thomas, i need you to come strait to my office I have very important business for you to take care of" tord states in a stern, strict, and kind of sexy tone. My face flushed red as I cursed out the attractive Norwegian in my head for makeing me gay. I quickly replyed with a 'yes sir' as I headed to his office

I knocked on the Norwegian devils office door in responce I heard a muffled 'come in'. I calmly enters the room glad my face went back to being pale instead of red. I look around the oh so messy office, paperwork  everywhere, pictures of us and the gang hung neatly on the walls, his desk somehow messier then the floor being coverd with paperwork , blueprints, and battle strategies. Also a single picture of me and tord, laughing and smiling.

The back of this chair was faceing me and he did a dramatic spin turning to face me with his cocky smirk I've come to admire so so much. "Ah Thomas, you ready for a very important mission" tord said still smirking tho sounding so serious . "Yes sir, what is it your needing me to do?" I ask becuse knowing tord it could be anything from picking up bi hentai or going out into war.

Tord takes a deep breath before opening his mouth to say the dumbest, and most surprising thing ever," Thomas I need you to spin me in my spinny chair". I was holding back laughter at this point , is this really what my boss classifies as important. "Um sir is this a joke" I ask carefully to make sure I don't let any laughs out.  "No why would i interrupt your achoal break with a joke" tord states tilting his head like a cute innocent dog.

" oooookkkkay then,and how am I supposed to spin you excaly?" I ask my face at this point slightly red. " oh well Thomas you were a kid once haven't you ever done this ?"  Tord asked sounding consurned. " I guess so" i reply not wanting my short, thick hiped boss to be mad at me. " great" tord chirps shifting his hips ever so slightly to push his chair from the desk his devil horn like hair  bouncing slightly.

I awkwardly walk up to tord and grabs the chair " are you sure you want me to do this sir" I ask knowing my face is as red as his red hoodie her wears under his uniform. " ja ja I trust you Thomas we have been friends for years tho we fought 24/7 I mean I've never hated you". He ended his kind of sappy speech with a huge smile, and you know what his smile just made me love struck. I swear my eyes were hearts, my actuall heart was beating out of my chest like it's about to explode.

God dam I love this fucking commie.

I nod slightly " I never hated you either" I state as I look down at the floor to hide my face and start spinning his chair slightly.  "Thhhhooommmmaaasss spin me faster" the immature army leader wined. So I did i , I just wanted him to be happy. It's ironic isent it that  loved him so much to the point that I fought with him to try to hide it though 50% of the time even that didn't work.

Soon tord was in a fite of giggles and bright glorious smiles. The sight was just amazing. I mummbled an "I love you you know that" under my breath  hopeing he wouldn't hear me. Like all of the other times I've said that sentence.  A few times when he would acadently fall asleep near me, or when he was off to war. But now, now he finnaly desided to actually listen. How could I tell,becuse he stoped the chair with his steal toed boots leaving me looking down with my hand resting on the chair as I say on the floor.

"thomas?" He asks sounding confused, consurned, but there was also a hint of joy in his thick accent.  "Yes sir?" I reply though pretty much expecting rejection. He places his hand on my chin pulling my head up towards him, I can feel the tears burning in my blind eyes underneath my googles, I shift my eyes to the right not wanting to make eye contact with his bright sliver eyes.  " Thomas look at me, that's an order" he stated sternly yet still managing to sound careing. I looks at tord not wanting him to get upset at me. I felt warm tears roll down my face as I stare into his eyes wich I know will never stare back at me with the same passion and love that I stare at him with.

"Tom,...do you really." Tord asks now caressing my cheek and wiping away some of the tears that roll down it. "Yes"I start but  no were done yet" yes I love you so much to the point it hurts, I love everything about you your just perfect in my eyes, and i couldn't help it ever sence we first met I allways saw perfect, even when your allways makes huge mistakes I just saw perfect.  Was u mad at some of thoes big mistakes of course but i blamed my self more then I blamed you". I finish my tears flooding at this point my face still cherry red.

"Tom,I love you to" tord says in a bright happy yet soft loveing tone. I was confused, I was going to get rejected not this, the story was supposed to go sad lilltle boy spills his heart out to his boss gets brutally rejected and fired being forsed to live on the streets since  his apartment was sold and i have 0 money.  

   "W-what?" I  ask wanting to know if I'm hearing right. " I love you to tom, I have for a long time when we're first met it was a matter of just a special connection I felt,  then it was your magnificent ask eyes that you could see the reflection of the starts in and your snarky attitude, then it just became everything" tord says now so blushing.

I couldn't help 2 things. The first one being my hearts turning into huge hearts makeing tord chuckle. the second thing I couldn't control was me smashing my lips into tords pulling him down onto the floor with me.  Let's just say this Is the best day of my life.

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