|| Cinq ||

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You could see him coming. His eyes were staring straight at you, to you.

It was not looking past you or ignoring you like he had done the past week while you guys were back in school.

You also realized that he was alone and he did not have hot, sexy, beautiful girls around his arms, though you could see that they were behind him angry and wanting to touch him with their grabby fingers. You saw that one was super close and even dared to bother him when he was so determined to get wherever he needed to be.

You felt your heart race as his tousled ash blond hair bobbing slightly as he sped walked to where you were.

You held his stare before he was only twenty feet away.

You could feel your heart beat loudly and rapidly. It pounded against your rib cage to the point that it was starting to hurt.

You couldn't breathe with his dark orbs eyeing you like a predator would.

Scrambling, you turned your back and rushed to your locker. Once you were in front of the lock. You hurriedly attempted to unlock your locker but your fingers were like mashed potato. You were making small mistakes or missing the mark.

You could hear him getting closer. You could hear his fan girls, who were calling his name, and it was getting closer and closer every second. He was really near.

With no choice left you decide to just come back later in the evening to get the rest of your stuff. You swiftly turned around so you could rush out to the side exit, but before you were able to take two steps, you were flung back by someone's strong hands.

Strong, large hands you were familiar with.

You looked up and saw him.

His face the same as it was in your memory, but the actual face of his was more vivid and real. It was so much harder to push his existence away.

Namjoon was in front of you and before he could speak, you tried to push past him. Or so you attempted to.

His large fingers took a hold of your wrist and roughly pulled you back, causing your back to slam unto your locker. You look up above to face the male that made your entire body churn and twist.

"Damn it. Damn you, just listen to me." His ash brown hair was messy and uncombed. His long fingers grasped the roof of your locker behind you. His jaws were clenched as he spoke softly but all his words came out gritted. He hated it, the fact that you were actively running away from him. "Stop running away from me."

"I'm sorry Namjoon, you don't need me." You pushed him away, but even in the short period, you could feel his firm chest and toned muscle beneath your hand. It made you blush even though it shouldn't. It also made you let your fingers linger longer. It was a simple touch, but to you it was not.

You resented it.

You resented the effects he had on you.

You resented the fact that you could not just forget about him. You guessed that it was because first love was always harder to fall out of or forget. Your godmother always told you that it was harder if it was a requited first love.

You resented that your heart wanted him more than you ever did.

"No I do. It has to be you." His voice was strained as if he had not slept well in the past two weeks.

Then you realized that two weeks had already passed since your return to single life. His hands grasped the hand that was pushing against his chest firmly. He did not want to let go, not when he was finally able to have some time with you, to talk, to explain and to just see your face, more than glimpses he had been getting as you avoided him.

First Mistakes || K.N.J || COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now