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Alondra zoomed out as the words left the doctors mouth. Pregnant. You're pregnant, as in you will have a baby. Sebastian was in utter disbelief, not sure what to say or do, until he noticed Alondra had started crying. Why would someone play such a sick game with them?

"This is the sickest joke someone has ever done to us," Alondra said between sobs. "Why would you say something like that?"

Sebastian held her hand, and noticing the doctors reaction he explained.

"You're a doctor, so I'm sure you have seen my wife's medical history," the doctor only nodded. "Then understand how awful it is to tell a woman she's pregnant when she can't have kids."

"Call it a miracle if you want, but you are pregnant Mrs. Stan," the doctor said trying to address Alondra. "We know it's been hard for you guys to conceive.."

"Try impossible," Alondra spoke up. "Try being told that you can't be a mother because you're environment is too hostile or that many of the treatments we did wouldn't work. Try knowing that the one thing you want the most in this world will never come true."

"The test results don't lie," the doctor said as she showed the test results to the couple. "You are going to be parents."

Alondra looked at the results with Sebastian, and that is when it hit her. You're going to be a mother Alondra, you're going to have a family. She couldn't help but smile at the thought of having her own family, a child of her own.

"I'm sure you understand that this pregnancy is a high risk one, which is why we need you to be resting at all times. We have some medicine for you to take to make accidents like this not happen," the doctor said. "I will give you all the measures to Mr.Stan for you to be resting all the times so there's no risk in losing the baby."

The doctor left, not without congratulating them again. For the first they looked at each other and they were smiling.

"We are going to be parents Sebastian, we finally did it!"

Sebastian's eyes were all watery, he couldn't believe he was going to be a father. This was one of the things he wanted the most to become a reality and when it was taken away from him, he was devastated it. They both were, devastated enough to drive them apart.

"Shit Nicky is leaving soon, I'm going to be alone," Alondra said taking Sebastian out of his trance.

"You're moving back in Alondra," Sebastian stated and before she could even fight it he spoke again. "I want to be there during the pregnancy, plus I have to make sure you're okay at all time. Did you not heard the doctor?"

"But what about our situation?"

"We will figure that out. We have nine months to figure out what will happen to us, alright?" He said before walking towards the door. "I'm gonna go and get Nicky, he must want to see you."

Nine months for him to get her back. Nine months for a second chance. He was willing to do anything to have her back in his life.

"I can't believe my little girl is pregnant," Nicky said after Alondra was done talking.

"I can't believe it either. I mean," she sighed happily. "This is like a dream come true. We tried so hard."

"I know flaca, believe me his face when he went to look for me was something I haven't seen before."

"Do you think this will work out?" Alondra asked and Nicky looked at her confused. "Us, as a family. I know Sebastian is over the moon but we still haven't figure out what is going is with us."

"All I know, is that there's a baby growing inside of you. That came out of the love Sebastian and you have for each other," he said leaning back on the chair. "I call that perfect timing."

Alondra looked through the window of her room, seeing Sebastian talk over the phone with a dorky smile. He was most likely telling his friends and family about the news. She couldn't help but feel happy looking at him like that. It was like the hope that was taken away from them came back.

"You guys will make it work," Nicky added and got Alondra attention. "He loves you, more than anything else in his life. And you love him too. You guys need to learn how to show that to each other again. I got all my faith in you."

Nicky's words stayed on Alondra's mind longer than what they were supposed to. Would they be able to find their way back to each other after almost a year of suffering? They had back what had caused them to drift, would they be complete now?

"I love him," Alondra whispered but Nicky still heard her, smiling to himself.

On the other side was Sebastian on the phone, he was currently talking to Leighton. He had talked to his family, Chris, and now her.

"I can't believe it!" He could hear the excitement through the phone. "Oh my god Sebastian congratulations! I'm so happy for you guys."

"Thanks, I felt like you should be one of the first one to know since you were there for me while everything went down."

He wasn't exactly proud that he had found himself crying to her, but he felt relief that she meant the best for him.

"Of course. You know how much I love you, how can't I not support you?" Leighton chuckled. "Take care of her Sebastian, things will get more tough with the pregnancy. You need to be there for her all the time, this is also your chance to prove her you love her."

"Believe me, I will take advantage of this nine months as much as I can," he smiled while looking inside the room and finding Alondra looking back at him. "I fix what I broke, and I will show her how much I love her."

"Good, because you guys were big dickheads to each other. Don't let what you guys have die, now especially there's a mini stan coming."

Sebastian kept talking to her over the phone for a little longer before hanging up and going back to the room. Nicky had left and Alondra was laying down, peacefully asleep. He sat on the chair next to her, kissing her hand and holding it.

"I will show you Alondra, that I'm still the man you fell in love with years ago. We will build our own precious family. I'm not letting this go, not anymore."

He fell asleep in the chair, facing Alondra. Hearts beating at the same rhythm now that there was peace in their hearts.

None of them could describe the horrible pain they felt after all the failed attempts. They doctors saying it was impossible, only a one percent chance. But as the results kept coming back, they lost hope every time even more. Nothing they could do would make them the family they wanted to be, their biggest hope. And without hope, they started drifting to the point they found themselves in. But now, a missing piece had finally come home. The puzzle was complete, now it was their job to put it all together

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