This is the end

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Mina's POV

"Yes, run away run away my sweet bassy"

Sebastian dodged all the lunges of the death scythe but he was pinned to the wall

"If you don't escape you'll be cut"grell said

'Has it started?!'

'The bloodthirst it's starting why now?!'

I fell to the ground holding back my thirsty throat that wanted to bite into ciel's neck

"Mina are you alright?!" Ciel asked

I shook my head unable to speak

"It seems the hunter has become the prey" madam red said

She took a knife out and lunged at him

Hit cut his forearm

"Your a doctor how could you do this?!" He yelled

"Even if I told you a child like you will never understand" she said she took him by the throat

" should never have been born!!!"

"Sister" she said

Sebastian escaped and tried to kill madam red

"Sebastian don't, don't kill her!!" Ciel yelled

He pulled back and held his shoulder


"My, my bassy you are really a faithful dog you escaped knowing I would cut your shoulder" grell said

"Finish the boy madam red" grell said

"I can't" she said

"What after all that women you killed remember if you don't end him he'll end you" he said

"I can't this boy is_"


Grell stabbed madam red in the heart

"I'm disappointed madam red"he said as he drove the chainsaw through her

She fell as a film like tape came flowing out of her body

"This is"

"Our job as grim reapers is to review the persons life and decided whether they should live or die" grell said

"So you make their life flash before their eyes" sebastian said

"Don't say that it's so dull this is a real grim reapers power a cinematic record gives dramatic pain" grell said


Cinematic record of madam red

"Rachel, Angelina meet earl phantomhive" her father said

"How do you do?" He said

"Your hair is really beautiful Ann the color of red spider lilies blazing in the field" he said

'I came to love my hair, I came to love the color red, I came to love you'

"Ann I have great news" Rachel said

'I hate the color red again but I couldn't bring myself to hate you'

'I married a man I met at a soirée'

"Is it a boy is it a girl?"

"Men are so impatient theirs no way of telling yet"

'It was different from what I truly wanted but this time maybe I'll finally be_'

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